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Procedure Text

Standar Kompetensi :
2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks
monolog sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan
procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan
monolog berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure
sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar :
2.1 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam
teks: recount, narrative, dan procedure.

4.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog sederhana

dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar
dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan procedure.
• Students are able to listen to and respond a
video about procedure text.
• Students are able to complete a procedure
text based on the video which has been
wacthed before.
• Students are able to make a procedure text
based on tthe pictures given by the teacher.
• Students are able to read their own procedure
text in front of the class.
In our daily life, we often
have to perform some steps
to make or get something
done Most of our daily
activities are related with
procedures. That is why, you
should understand what a
procedure text is, how to
make and use it.
What is

Procedure text is a kind

of text that shows a
series of orders of
making something, doing
something or getting
• (1) Teks yang menjelaskan bagaimana
sesuatu bekerja atau teks yang
menjelaskan cara menggunakan
pedoman instruksi / penggunaan.
contoh : cara menggunakan video,
komputer, mesin fotokopi, fax dll. (2)
Teks yang menunjukan cara melakukan
aktifitas tertentu. contoh : resep,
aturan bermain game, eksperimen
ilmiah, aturan keamanan berkendara.
(3) Teks yang berhubungan dengan
tingkah laku manusia. contoh : cara
hidup bahagia, cara sukses. dll.
• To describe something
Social is accomplished
Function through a sequence of
actions or steps.

• Goal (showing the purpose)

• Materials (telling the
Generic needed material)
Structure • Steps 1-n (describing the
steps to achieve the
• (1) Goal (Maksud atau tujuan)
• (2) Material Needed (Materi / alat /
bahan yang dibutuhkan)
• (3) Methods or Steps (Metode /

• Imperative (using action
• Using temporal sequence
• Using specific words
(technical terms)
Lets Make a
Cup of
Lemon Tea

Write a procedure text

based on the sequence of
pictures above. There are
some clues that will help
you writing the text. Then
read your text in front of
the class!
- tea leaves
(different types)
- ice cubes that
have been made
from lemon tea
- lemon
- hot water
- Sugar
1. boil, water

2. add, tea

3. Sequeeze,
some lemons
4. take, leaf

5. add, sugar

6. stir
7. pour, put,

8. ready

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