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Banner Ad.

A web banner or banner ad is a form of

advertising on the World Wide Web
delivered by an ad server. This form of
online advertising entails embedding an
advertisement into a web page. It is
intended to attract traffic to a website
by linking to the website of the
Pop up ads.
Pop-up ads are a form of online advertising
focused on attracting Web traffic. They are
usually generated in a new browser window
with the help of JavaScript or Adobe Flash.
Although these ads are one of the most
popular online advertising techniques, they
are not popular with average Web surfers, and
several products and techniques are available
to disable them.
Pre roll video ads
A pre-roll ad is a promotional video
message that plays before the
content the user has selected. ... A
new video format known as
TrueView allows users to skip the ad
after five seconds.
Widget definition Definition Mobile
Widgets Web Widgets Desktop
Widgets A widget is a small program
or application which provides or
interacts with information in a
moveable and customisable way.
Search Marketing
Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of
Internet marketing that involves the promotion of
websites by increasing their visibility in search
engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through
paid advertising.[1] SEM may incorporate search
engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts or
rewrites website content and site architecture to
achieve a higher ranking in search engine results
pages to enhance pay per click (PPC) listings
Online coupons
An online coupon refers to a discount
code or number that can be
redeemed on a website. Like
traditional coupons, online coupons
are used to attract new customers
and increase the loyalty of new

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