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Slow food

A project made by Popa

Andrei(9th grade I) and
Baciu Ioan Paul(11th grade
Slow food- a worldwide

 Slow Food is a global, grassroots

organization, founded in1989 to prevent
the disappearance of local food cultures
and traditions, counteract the rise of fast
life and combat people’s dwindlings
interest in the food they eat, where it
comes from and how our food choices
affect the environment.
The logo of the organization
 Italienii
sunt cei care au inceput aceasta
miscare in 1986,avand astazi in intreaga
lume peste 80.000 de membri.Unul dintre
proiectele lor, este promovarea
agriculturii ecologice pentru realizarea
preparatelor traditionale specifice
fiecarei tari.
O imagine cu produse
Their philosophy
 Slow food envisions a world in which all
people can acces and enjoy food that is
good for them and is based on the
following principles:good, clean and fair.
 Clean:production that does not harm the
 Good:flavour, quality and healthy food
 Fair:accesible prices for everybody
Fruits and vegetables
Risipa de mancare
 Slow food considera ca in secolul nostru
se produce o mare risipa de mancare.
 Mecanismul pietei de astazi consta in
producere in masa si risipa,iar mai mult de
atat , se irosesc si resursele planetei
precum apa, pamantul etc.
 Aceasta organizatie incearca sa creeze o
noua tehnica de vanzare si producere a
Alimente irosite
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