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Exceptional Children

Introduction. ...
Handicap, Impairment, Disability, and Disorder. ...
Learning Disabilities. ...
Communication Disorders. ...
Mental Retardation. ...
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ...
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. ...
Autistic Spectrum.
Symptoms of ODD include:
frequent temper tantrums or episodes of anger.
refusal to comply with adult requests.
excessive arguing with adults and authority figures.
always questioning or actively disregarding rules.
behavior intended to upset, annoy, or anger others,
especially authority figures.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder — mood changes and
irritability that occur during the premenstrual phase of a
woman's cycle and go away with the onset of menses
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
— a form of depression most
often associated with fewer hours
of daylight in the far northern and
southern latitudes from late fall to
early spring
Bipolar disorder — also called
manic depression or bipolar
affective disorder, depression that
includes alternating times of
depression and mania
Depression related to medical
illness — a persistent depressed
mood and a significant loss of
pleasure in most or all activities
that's directly related to the
physical effects of another
medical condition
Cyclothymic disorder — a
disorder that causes emotional
ups and downs that are less
extreme than bipolar disorder

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