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SEO Services That Actually Work - Paid Media &

Content Creation

The Converted Click

• SEO Services • On-Page & Off-Page Optimization

The •

What Is SEO & How do our SEO Services Work?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the ongoing process of increasing

• Search engines need to find your website, access
it and show it to your audience. The user then

quality traffic (organic visitors) to your website by boosting the rankings needs to be intrigued and convinced to click on
of your keyword search terms.
your organic listing. There has to be a perfect
• To achieve this, your website needs to be found and accessed online by balance between optimising your website for the
search engines for your users to engage with your brand and content technical aspect as well as the user aspect.

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• There are many boxes to be ticked from a search engine perspective and • We ensure that all elements of On-Page SEO is
many of these revolve around technical aspects of your website and perfectly optimised for the search engines as
Technical SEO. well as being user friendly – you only have three

Offerings •

A quality SEO campaign equals quality website traffic.

It is essential to maintain the perfect balance between Technical

SEO and User Engaging SEO. •
seconds to capture your audience in the search
We craft a unique and tailor made Off-Page SEO
• Users will engage with and convert on your website, but search engines
strategy to gain quality backlinks pointing to your
need to find your website, access your website and then show your website in order to raise the overall website
website to users who have typed in a relevant search. trust, authority and rankings online. We monitor
• We utilise advanced SEO Tactics and SEO Services to target different
for any toxic or harmful backlinks that may hurt
kinds of search queries, ranging from Voice Search, Localised SEO your website and report on these as well.
searches, Informational Search Queries, Image Search, Video Search as
well as Semantic Search.

• Read an in-depth article explaining SEO

Off Page SEO & Outreach

Link Building The Link Building Process

• What is a Backlink/External Link
• A backlink is when a separate third-party website places a
clickable link to your webpage on their own website. In the
eyes of search engines, a backlink is considered a vote of
confidence. Therefore it is essential to craft a well
researched and focused Off Page Link Building Strategy in
order to gain quality backlinks from high quality and trusted
• It is important to know who is linking to your website, as the
wrong kind of backlinks will hurt your website rankings.
Backlinks coming from low-quality websites or websites
which are completely irrelevant to your niche can cause
drops in online rankings and even a Google penalty.
• Gaining many quality backlinks which point to your website
will boost your website authority, trust as well as online
credibility. In turn, you will start to see an increase in both
quality organic traffic as well as organic keyword rankings.

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