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Sometimes, even the simplest task may seem daunting for patients suffering
with a chronic illness.

It is important to teach patients how to combat fatigue so they can save their
energy and actively participate in the care being provided.
During self care:
• Arrange all personal care things needed
• Sit in chair in front of the mirror for hair care, makeup, and shaving.
• Use a long-handled bath brush for your back and feet.
• Sit and use shower for bath or a hand-held
shower hose.

• Wrap yourself in a terrycloth robe rather than using

towels to dry yourself

• Use a raised toilet seat and/or toilet safety rails.

• Keep your hair short such that it is easy-to-care.

• Dress your lower body first as

this takes more energy, Choose
front-opening, loose-fitting

• Deep breathe before and after

doing any activity
• Use assistive devices and take help when needed to
save energy

• Make patients comfortable and ease from

• Store items according to use, putting
most-used items at easy reach

4 P’s of Energy
saving Plan Prioritize

Pace Position
• Plan your activities first to avoid extra trips.
• Gather the supplies and equipment you need
before doing the job.
• Plan to alternate heavy and light tasks.
• Put a schedule on what you are doing
• Plan such a way that you complete a tasks before
moving on to other one.

• Decide what needs to be done first and

what can be done at a later date or time.

• When you have more than one thing to do,

begin with the most important to make
sure it gets done.

• Maintain a slow and steady pace.

• Never rush.
• Rest before you feel tired.
• Avoid holding your breath.
• Practice breathing slow and steady. Use pursed lip breathing.
• Breathe in through your nose for a count of 2 and out from your mouth
for a count of (This is like blowing out a candle on a cake).
• Remember that you may have to ask for help to do some tasks and that
is okay.
• Listen to your body and know your limits

• Too much bending and reaching can cause fatigue and

shortness of breath.
• Avoid bending and reaching too much.
• Always maintain a nice upright posture when sitting and
• This helps you get more oxygen into your lungs and around
your body to work better.
• Sit when you can. Sitting supports your body so you can focus
on your breathing
Stand keeping your feet wide
Sit erect

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