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DNA Timeline

1865 Gregor Mendel

 Publishes his findings
about patterns of
 Charles Darwin
published his findings
about Natural
1868 Friedrich Miescher
 Swiss biologist
 Studied nuclei of pus cells
obtained from discarded surgical
 Detected a phosphorus-
containing substance that he
named nuclein.
 Showed nuclein to consist of an
acidic portion, known today as
DNA, and a basic protein portion
now recognized as histones
1902 Walter Sutton
 Using grasshopper
chromosomes he
showed that
chromosomes occur in
distinct pairs, which
segregate at meiosis.
 Proposed that genes
were located on
Big Question…
Since Chromosomes are made up of nucleic
acids and protein ….

Which molecule holds the genetic

information – DNA or Proteins?
1928 Frederick Griffiths
 Proved that there was a transforming factor
Avery, McCarty, & MacLeod
 Built on Griffith’s
experiment to prove
that DNA, not
protein, was the
transforming factor
 Looked at each of the
organic compounds
separately and only
DNA passed on lethal
1951 Rosalind Franklin
 Used X-ray diffraction to
show the shape of DNA to
be a double-helix
 Famous photo 51 was
taken by Wilkins without
her knowledge
 Died in 1958 before Nobel
prize was awarded in 1962
1951 Erwin Chargaff
 Showed that there
were always equal
amounts of Adenine
(A) & Thymine (T)
and equal amounts
of Guanine (G) and
Cytosine (C) in DNA
 Led to idea of Base
pairing = Chargaff’s
Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase

 Used bacteria
and viruses to
prove DNA held
the genetic
James Watson & Francis Crick
 Master puzzle makers
 Used information from
others and put it all
together to realize the
structure and function
of DNA
Structure & Function –
DNA vs. Protein
DNA Protein
• Nucleotides – 3 parts • Amino acids
• 5 C Sugar + • Acid backbone
phosphate (backbone) • 20 different AA to
• 4 different bases code for millions of
different proteins
• Order of bases • Order of Amino Acids
determine code for determines specific
amino acids protein
DNA  Amino Acid  protein
1956 Ribosomes -
site of Protein synthesis
DNA Timeline
DNA first Sex
observed chromosomes Ribosomes
1868 1905 1956

1865 1900’s 1944 1951 1952 1953 1962

Mendel Sutton Avery, Franklin Hershey Watson Nobel
McCarty & Chase & Crick Prize
& Macleod Chargaff

1982 1984 1997 2000-2003

Genetically DNA Dolly Human
engineered Fingerprinting cloned Genome
insulin Project

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