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Global Warming

Global warming is a serious environmental

issues. The causes are divided into two
categories include "natural" and "human
influences" of global warming.
Reason of the Global Warming
• Almost 100% of the observed
temperature increase over the last 50
years has been due to the increase in
the atmosphere of greenhouse gas
concentrations like water vapour,
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and
ozone. Greenhouse gases are those
gases that contribute to the
greenhouse effect (see below). The
largest contributing source of
greenhouse gas is the burning of
fossil fuels leading to the emission of
carbon dioxide.
Remedy of the Global Warming

• It has become important through the above facts that we

need to take important immediate measures to tackle this
phenomenon and reduce the carbon emission. WE need to do
it ourselves. We need to show the others that we are
concerned about our planet. This will then inspire others to
join us. So let's start.
Plant Tree
• Trees are the greatest
source to reduce the global
warming process.
• One of the most important
things is ,the raining forests
are the greatest shield
against the global warming.
• Tree plantation also
produces a healthy impact
on climate.
Conserve Water
• Water is essential for
human living.
• You should conserve water
for future.
• Espacially in summer, you
should conserve the water
as much as possible.
Fossil Fuel
• Fossil fuel is one of the
largest factors behind the
global warming.
• In this mean, now days
people are working on solar
drives, that utilize the solar
• Its a really healthy thing.

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