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Baseline SUVmax

• SUVmax is appreciably associated with advanced

stage, large tumor size and poor differentiation
• Prospectively reviewed results from 37 patients
with HNSCC, all of whom were treated with
radiotherapy ± surgery (without chemotherapy).
• Results :
 The 3- year disease-free survival (DFS) was 53%
for patients with SUV <9.0
 compared with a 3- year DFS of 24% for patients
with SUV >9.0.
• Treatment of tumors with high FDG uptake
(SUV >5.5) was at greater risk of failure in 63
patients treated by radiotherapy with or
without chemotherapy similar findings in a
larger study population (n = 120)
• The baseline SUV in a retrospective study of
60 HNSCC patients who received radiotherapy
± chemotherapy.
the 2-year DFS rates were 76% in patients with
SUVmax <9.0 versus 37% inthose with
SUVmax ≥9.0
• The differences in outcome between patients
with`low' and `high' SUVmax values were as
dramatic as the differences seen with respect
to the tumor, node and metastasis stage,
suggesting that FDGPET SUVmax can
potentially serve as a valuable biomarker.
• Primary tumor baseline SUVmax also has
predictive value in assessing the tumor
burden, lymph node involvement and local

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