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Social Networking Netiquettes


Social Networking Netiquettes 101

Activity: Think-Group-Share
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

Activity: Think-Group-Share

Time Frame: 20 minutes

 The primary goal in this activity is to make students
responsible netizens through identifying the dos and
don’ts of social networking.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

Activity: Think-Group-Share

 You get a sheet of paper and divide it into two
columns. Label ‘Dos’ for column 1 and ‘Don’ts’ for
column 2 respectively. After which, form 5 groups
and consolidate all your entries for each column.
Class sharing follows.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

Activity: Think-Group-Share

Process Questions:
 How often do you use social networking platforms?
 What is/are the importance of identifying the do’s
and don’ts of social networking as students?
 How do you urge other people to act responsibly in
using social networking platforms?
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

“What happens in Vegas

stays in Vegas; what happens
on Twitter stays on Google
Jure Klepic,
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

1. Exercise the Golden Rule - Treat others the way

you want to be treated. Speak with and treat
someone online as you would speak with and treat
him/her face-to-face.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

2. Remember everything you post is public; it doesn't

matter whether or not you delete the post: if you've
published it, it's traceable. Plus, when you post
things online, you're creating a digital footprint. A
digital footprint is the trail of stuff you leave behind
when you're online.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

3. DON'T USE ALL CAPS when you're emailing or

posting something. All CAPS is a form of internet
shouting and it screams at you from a computer
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

4. Use exclamation points sparingly! Exclamation

points can take away from your message. Rather
than using an exclamation point to express how you
feel, try using the right words to get your
point across.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

5. Okay, this is a new one… Don’t use periods when

texting. Texting is a form of conversation, so when
you text it should sound like as if it were coming out
of your mouth. Periods can appear abrupt and rude
in a text. So when you text, type your message as you
would say it in a face-to-face conversation.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

6. Speak kindly. Remember: it may look like a screen

in front of you, but there is another person (or
people) on the receiving end. Think about how you
would feel if you received the message you’re
sending? If the answer isn't a favorable one, then
don't send it.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

7. Don't post things when you’re angry. It's never a good idea to post
something when you’re mad. Sure, it may feel good to type up a fiery
response to something that ticked you off, but typing and sending are
two different things. Plus, while it may feel good in the interim, you
may feel guilty or regretful later. If you are too riled up and can't fight
the temptation to tell someone off then there's an amazing button on
every device that shuts it off. Use this button when you are mad and
walk away.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

8. Similar to number seven, don’t post things when you are emotional.
When you are in a heightened state of an emotion, you may not be
thinking clearly or able to form your thoughts and ideas. Don’t use the
internet as a means for sorting through your feelings. Rather, meet up
with a trusted adult or friend to help you work through your emotions.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

9. Don’t journal your thoughts and feelings in a public forum.

If you’re going to keep a journal, do it the old fashion way
and write it down - pen and paper style (yes, those items
still exist). By recording your thoughts and feelings on
paper, you can actually destroy the pages for good.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

10. Use different usernames and passwords for your sites.

Don't use the same one all the time. Many people use the
same username and password for all of their sites and this
is not a good idea. If someone figures out your security
information, they will have access to everything. It's best to
set-up different usernames and passwords for maximum
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

11. Don't make up silly email addresses. You will use

your email address for college applications, job
applications, resumes, and scholarship
opportunities. Look at your email address and ask
"Does this email address set a good impression?" If
not, scrap that email and start again.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

12. Don't post a picture or video of someone else without his or her
permission. Also don't snap pictures or a video someone without his or
her permission. Just because there is a camera on your phone it doesn't
give you the right to snap a shot of someone. Don't post a picture of
people on-line without their consent. Even if you do have their consent,
make sure that the picture isn't inappropriate (better yet, don't take
inappropriate pictures).
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

13. Be very selective of what you post or share online.

If you have a question about what you are posting,
then that is your moral compass saying "Don't post
it." You would be wise to heed the advice of
your conscience.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

14. Don't talk to strangers. Don't get into chat rooms

and reveal confidential things about yourself. You
may feel that you know the person on the other end
of your connection, but he/she can be a phony.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

15. Don't give out personal and confidential

information online. Never share your full name,
home address, phone number, Social Security
number, passwords, school's name, names of family
members, or credit card numbers.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

16. Silence your phone in public places. Nothing is

more annoying than a phone going off in a public
place, especially if it has a funky ring tone.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

17. Don't play on your device or constantly text when

you are in the company of someone else. It just isn't
nice and can cause the person to feel unimportant.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

18. Don't talk in a public place where others can hear

your conversation. Exercise the 10 foot proximity
rule - keep a distance of 10 feet from the closest
person when you're talking on the phone.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

19. Watch your tone. Sometimes things can come across ruder and
harsher online than face-to-face. One reason is because we rely
on nonverbal communication to help us interpret conversations. Unless
you are using a video chat app, most sites don't allow you to see a
person's reaction to what you are saying. So certain words or
punctuation marks can imply something different online than if they
were said face-to-face.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

20. Set time parameters of how long you're on your

devices. Electronic devices will never take the place
of a person. Too much of anything is unhealthy, so
use devices in moderation and hang out with friends
offline more than online.
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

“Focus on how to be social, not on

how to do social.”
Jay Baer, Convince & Convert
Social Networking Netiquettes 101

 [Psychology Today]. (2015, December 25). Top 20
Social Networking Etiquette Tips for Teens.
Retrieved from:

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