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Introduction to Hashing in DBMS

 In DBMS, hashing is a technique to

directly search the location of desired data
on the disk without using index
structure. Hashing method is used to
index and retrieve items in a database as it
is faster to search that specific item using
the shorter hashed key instead of using its
original value.
Types of Hashing in DBMS
There are typically two types of hashing techniques in DBMS:
1.Static Hashing
2. Dynamic Hashing
1) Static Hashing
In the case of static hashing, the data set formed and the
bucket address is the same. This means that if we try to
generate the address for USER_ID=113 by making use of the
hashing function modulus 5 then it always provides us the
resultant as 3 with the same looking bucket address. In this
case, there will not be any change in the address of the
bucket provided. Therefore the number of buckets remains
constant throughout the operation.
Operation of Statically typed Hashing
a. Searching for a Record: If there is a need for the record to
be found, then the exact same hashing function is used to
retrieve the address and path of data bucket with the data
being stored.
b. Insertion of a New Record: If a new and fresh record is put
in a table, then an address is generated for a fresh record.
based upon the hashing key thereby storing the record onto
that location.
Deletion of the Record: In order for the record to be deleted,
first that record needs to be fetched which can be deleted.
Once that task is done, then the records need to be deleted
for that memory address.
Updation of a Record: In order to update the record, we first
search the record by making use of the hash-based function
and once that is done, then our data record can be said to be
in an updated state. In order for us to insert a fresh record in
the file and the address which is generated from the hash-
based function and data-bucket is non-empty or if the data is
already present in the address provided. This situation which
particularly arises in case of static hashing can be better-
called bucket overflow and therefore there are some ways
used to overcome this problem.
(i)Open Hashing: If a hashing function generates the address
for which the data can be seen already in the stored
state, in that case, the next level of the bucket will
automatically get allocated. This mechanism can be
termed to be a linear probing technique.
(ii) Closed Hashing: When the buckets are completely full, a
new bucket is then allocated for a particular hash result
which is linked right after the one completed previously and
therefore this method is called to be Overflow chaining
2) Dynamic Hashing
This kind of hash-based method can be used to solve the
basic problems of static based hashing like the ones such as
bucket overflow as the data buckets can grow and shrink
with the size it is more space optimized technique and
therefore it is called as Extendable hash-based method. In
the hashing is made dynamic which means that the insertion
activity or deletion is allowed without going into providing
poor performance.
a. Searching a Key: Calculate the hash-based address of the
required key and check the number of bits that are being
used in the case of a directory which is known as i. Then
the ones which are least significant of the I bits are taken
from the directory which gives an idea about the index
from the directory. By making use of that index value, go
into the directory to find the bucket address to search for
the present records.
b. b. Insertion of a Fresh Record: At first, you are required
to follow the exact same retrieval procedure which needs
to be ending up somewhere in the bucket.

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