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Religious Intolerance In India

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;
this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and
freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or
private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship
and observance.” Article 18, Universal Declaration Of Human Rights,
Since independence hundreds of religious riots have been recorded in
Indian which thousands have been killed, mostly Muslims Minorities in
India, especially Sikhs, Muslims and Christians, are being persecuted by
Hindu nationalists belonging to the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP). Vigilante cow protection groups harassed and
attacked people in states including Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh
and Karnataka in the name of upholding laws prohibiting the killing of
Earlier, the bodies of two Muslim cattle traders were found hanging from a tree in
Jharkhand. In June, members of a cow protection group in Haryana forced two
Muslim men, who they suspected were beef transporters, to eat cow dung. A
woman in Haryana said that she and her 14-year-old cousin were gang-raped by
men who accused them of eating beef. A team formed to reinvestigate closed
cases related to the 1984 Sikh massacre identified 77 cases for further
investigation and invited people to testify.
I generally find that intolerance is a result of ignorance, and such
ignorance and intolerance is often passed down to the next generation
when people in positions of authority (parents, teachers, etc.) remain
ignorant. Ignorance often leads to fear, fear can lead to hate, and hate
can lead to violence. Knowledge is the key to avoid going down this
path. Selective knowledge is another problem. A really strong
intolerance will often interfere with overcoming our ignorance because
we may actually close our minds to new information that can change
our perspective.
How can we get intolerant adults to be more tolerant? I can think of
several ways to deal with intolerant adults: For one thing, we can
model more tolerant attitudes by our own actions and the words we
speak. We can also share with others what we do know of other
religions that they may not be aware of. A little education can go a long
way to making someone think twice about their assumptions. We can
also begin by sincerely listening to their perspective, trying to
understand why they feel and think the way they do. This would be a
demonstration of our respect for them (more "modeling" of tolerance
toward them).
Presented By ;

Anant Kumar ( CO18208 )

BhoopChand Chauhan ( CO18218 )
Kumand Garg ( CO18233 )
Manan Pathak ( CO18235 )

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