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Issues Gender

Inequality Militant
Islam and Migration
Issues Gender Inequality Militant
Islam and Migration
• “There is a lot of literature on how Muslim
women are the target of stereotyping, but
there is very little literature on how women
with a Muslim background represent
themselves and the kind of image they have
of themselves as a group. It was interesting
for me to see how the dynamic between these
two portrayals – the women’s own and
society’s – worked together,” says Margaretha
van Es.
• Religion in general and Islam in
particular are women’s enemy.
Women’s inequality is god’s
commandment, in Islam
enshrined in immutable law by
Mohammad and eventually
recorded in scripture. In most
countries under Islamic states
or under the influence of Islam,
Koran’s directives are
incorporated into contemporary
Gender and migration in the
development context

• Although migration is only now emerging as a

development issue, migration may lead to
development in receiving communities
through the contribution of labour and skills.
On the other hand, remittances and diaspora
investment can provide much-needed
economic support to sending communities.
However the labour and skills that are
brought in – and in turn who benefits – depend
on sex-

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