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Did you know
that Internet is
a powerful
 It can be used to promote your
business, gain new friends and stay in
touch with the old ones.
 The Internet is one of the most
dangerous places especially for
teenagers like you, spending time
online and it is up to you how to
protect yourself.
Tips to Stay Safe Online
 Be mindful of what you share online and
what site you share it to.
 Do not just accept terms and conditions;
read it.
 Check out the privacy policy page of a
website to learn how the website handles
the information you share.
 Know the security features of the social
networking site you use. By keeping your
profile private, search engines will not be
able to scan your profile.
Tips to Stay Safe Online
 Do not share your password with
 Avoid logging in to public networks/WI-
FI. Browsing in “Incognito (or private)
mode,” a feature of the browser, will not
protect you from hackers.
 Do not talk to strangers whether online
or face-to-face.
 Never post anything about a future
Tips to Stay Safe Online
 Add friends you know in real life.
 Avoid visiting untrusted websites.
 Install and update an antivirus software on
your computer.
 If you have a WI-FI at home, make it a
private network by adding a password.
 Avoid downloading anything from untrusted
 Buy the software; do not use pirated ones.
 Do not reply or click links from suspicious
 a program that runs in the
background without you knowing
it (thus called “spy”). It has the
ability to monitor what you are
currently doing and typing
through key logging
Key loggers
 used to record the key stroke
done by the users. This is done to
steal their password or any other
sensitive information. It can
record email, messages or any
information you type using
 Adware – a program designed to send you
advertisements, mostly as pop ups.
 Spam – unwanted email mostly from bots or
advertisers. It can be used to send malware.
 Phishing – Its goal is to acquire sensitive
personal information like passwords and credit
cards details. This is done by sending you an email
that will direct the user to visit a website and be
asked to update his/her username, password, credit
card and personal information.
 Pharming – a more complicated way of phishing
where it exploits the DNS (Domain Name
Service) system.
Who among you
have facebook
Can you check your
account with your
cellphones? Do you think
your account is safe? Or
are you safe by using it?
Are your photos and
videos safe?
Each group will create a
poster promoting “How Safe
Are You?” You can choose on
the following situations.
a) using facebook or any social
networking sites
b) visiting websites
c) using e-mails
5 4 3 2 1
Content Content is accurate Content is Content is Content is Content is
and all required accurate but some accurate but questionable. inaccurate.
information is required some required Information is not Information is not
presented in a information is information is presented in a presented in a
logical order. missing and/or not missing and/or logical order, logical order,
presented in a not presented in a making it difficult making it difficult to
logical order, but is logical order, to follow. follow.
still generally easy making it difficult
to follow. to follow.
Creativity The ideas are fully The ideas are The ideas are not The ideas are not No ideas and not
developed, focused developed, fully developed, developed, lack original
and original. somewhat focused focused or focus and are not
and are good but original. original.
not original.
Pictures, Images are Images are Most images are Images are No images
Clip Art appropriate. appropriate. appropriate inappropriate or
Background Layout is cluttered. layout is messy.
Layout is pleasing to
the eye.
Appearance Appearance shows Appearance is Appearance is Appearance is Appearance is
time and effort. neat and colorful. not neat and unfinished and messy and
Poster is neat, Some handwritten lacks color. The reflects that little unfinished and
colorful and text takes away lack of effort is time and effort reflects that little
attention-grabbing. from overall noticeable. were put forth. time and effort
Overall polished polished look. were put forth.

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