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The Importance of Education

in finding a Job
Made by Parfene Daniel and Tîcu Andrei

Stairs of success

When it comes to discussing the job market and

the working world, it is difficult to overstate the
role of education in employment. When it comes
to selecting the kind of employment that you
truly want for yourself, the best way to set
yourself up for success is by finding out what kind
of education you need to do the job you want.

Almost without exception, a candidates'
ability to get employed and to get the job
they want comes down to the quality of
their education, and the degree of
preparedness that they have for the role.
Whether or not you know exactly what you
want to be doing for your job, having a
strong education and a strong background is
the single most important thing you can do
to increase your employment options and
your earning potential.

“Nature resembles us, education distinguishes us”

There is no guarantee that getting an education will lead to
.professional or financial success. In fact, it is certainly
possible to have an advanced degree like a master's degree,
and find that you aren't able to make as much money as
you had hoped. However, this is unusual. Education and
success go hand in hand. That is because education is the
key to better jobs. Highly skilled jobs that require an
understanding of technology, communication, human
relationships and the nuances of a particular field typically
require some type of education.
Ultimately, education in the form
of a bachelor's degree shows
employers that you have had a
well-rounded education. It also
demonstrates that you can be
relied upon to have the basic
skills of communication,
understanding and reading
comprehension. These are key
pieces of almost every bachelor's
degree, and they go a long way to
proving your viability as an

Preparation means everything. Cauliflower is nothing more

than a cabbage that was educated in a college.
Mark Twain

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