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automobiles impact on indian economy

Almost 70% of automobile sales in India or $40 billion will be digitally

influenced by 2020, says a research report released by Bain & Company
The Indian auto industry became the 4th largest in the world and Overall
domestic automobiles sales increased at 6.71 per cent.
it also provides great opportunities for investment and direct and indirect
employment to skilled and unskilled labour.

it bost economy of the country due to:

Internet is changing the Automotive retail scenario fast because 80% of

online research is on mobile phones today and social media will influences
40% of automobiles sales.

Auto Industry Is Adapting for Connected World and looks at the impact of
digital technologies on the automotive industry, finds that digital engineering,
3D printing, smart sensors, manufacturing, sales and marketing.
Digital has struck the automotive world with lightning speed and this
transition to digital is only going to accelerate, today’ side as go from
drawing board to production in months rather than decades. All this
advancement and focus on digital will deepen relationships between
customers and auto manufacturers.” which proven to bost the
economy of the country.

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