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 Complete
 Incomplete
 Inevitable
 Missed
 Induced (Termination of pregnancy)
 Septic
 Blighted ovum
 Threatened
 Recurrent
 Tubal
 Complete abortion-Complete expulsion of
all fetal parts and placental tissue from the
uterus before 20 weeks of gestation
 Incomplete abortion- Passage of some but
not all fetal or placental tissue prior to 20
weeks gestation
 Inevitable abortion - Uterine bleeding from
a gestation of less than 20 weeks
accompanied by cervical dilation but
without expulsion of any placental or fetal
tissue through the cervix
 Missed abortion- Fetal death before 20
weeks of gestation without expulsion of any
fetal or maternal tissue for at least 4 weeks
 Induced abortion- Intentional medical or
surgical termination of a pregnancy before
20 weeks of gestation( elective or
 Septic abortion-Any type of abortion that is
accompanied by uterine infection
 Blighted Ovum-A fertilized ovum in which
development has become arrested and
degeneration is present
 Threatened AB- Any bleeding in a gestation
less than 20 weeks without cervical change
 Recurrent pregnancy loss-Three or more
spontaneous pregnancy losses before 20
weeks of gestation
 Tugal abortion- expulsion of the conceptus
through the open end of the tube into the
abdominal cavity
 20-25% of all clinical recognized
pregnancies spontaneously abort
 Some fertilized ova do not implant and
never secrete HCG
 Approximately 40% of abortions occur
prior to the time of expected menses
 About 80% of all abortions occur in the first
 The rate of clinical abortion is fairly stable
each week until 12 weeks, then falls off
 If conception occurs prior to 3 months after
a delivery the incidence of abortion is
 If the prior pregnancy ended in an abortion
the subsequent pregnancy is at higher risk to
abort (20%)
 Prior pregnancy successful only 5% abort
 If all prior pregnancies were successful then
only 3% abort
 A subchorionic bleed does not increase the
risk of spontaneous abortion if fetal viability
is confirmed
 If a women has multiple abortions they tend
to abort at the same time
 About 30-40% of all pregnancies
experience bleeding prior to 20 weeks, half
of these pregnancies end in abortion
 The more days of bleeding the more likely
the pregnancy will abort
 Bleeding increases the risk of preterm
delivery and fetal anomolies
Causes of Abortions
 Environmental
 Maternal
 Fetal (Genetic or chromosomal)
Fetal causes of Abortion
 50% of all abortions are chromosomally
abnormal ( The majority of these are
numerical abnormalities like trisomy)
 Causes are from non dysjunction,
fertilization abnormalities like digyny,
dispermy, triploidy and tetraploidy, mosiacs
( only about 5% because of translocations)
Fetal causes of abortion
 Of all chromosomal abnormalities 50% are
autosomal trisomies ( most common
trisomy is 16 )
 Order of frequency 16-13-21-22
 Second most common cause of
chromosomal anomolies is monosomy X
(45XO) 15-20% of all spontaneous ABs
Fetal causes of abortions
 45XO is the single most common
chromosomal anomoly
 Only 1/300 will survive
Translocations as a cause of Abs
 If 1 parent carries a translocation 80% of the
conceptions will end in abortion
 If a couple has 2 or more pregnancy losses
they have about a 3% chance that one of
them carries a translocation
 When abortions occur in chromosomally
normal fetuses they tend to occur later in
Other potential genetic causes of
 Couples that share HLA antigens have
increase ab rates
 It may be that blocking antibodies fail to
 Or with similar HLA types there may be
recessive genes that are lethal
 Suspect chromosomes 3 and 6
Environmental causes of Abs
 Infections
 Smoking
 Alcohol
 Radiation
 Toxins
Infections as cause of Abs
 Endometritis (usually mixed anaerobic )
 Toxoplasmosis
 Herpes
 Ureaplasma urealyticum in the
endometrium( ? Mycoplasma hominis)
 ? Listeria monocytogenes
Smoking as a cause of Abs
 Heavy smoking more than 17 cigarettes per
day had a 1.7 times higher likelihood of
aborting a chromosomally normal fetus
 Light smoking does not appear to increase
the risk of Abs
Alcohol as a cause of Abs
 Drinking 2 drinks per week increase the risk
of abortion by 2 fold
 Daily alcohol ingestion increase risk of
abortion by 3 fold
Irradiation as a cause of Abs
 Lethal dose is 5 rads and is most sensitive at
the time of implantation
 Radiation of less than 5 rads is unlikely to
cause any effects
Environmental toxins as a cause
of Abs
 Anesthetic agents (poor evidence)
 Lead
 Arsenic
 Formaldehyde
 Benzene
 Ethylene oxide
 Little valid evidence to incriminate any
Maternal causes of Abs
 Leiomyoma of the uterus
 Uterine anomolies
 Medical conditions
 Immunological causes
 Endocrinologic causes
Leiomyoma as cause of Abs
 Approximately 25% of women have
 Submucous fibroids appear to cause the
biggest problem
 Diagnosis with U/S, HSG, or hysteroscopy
 Treatment is myomectomy or hysteroscopic
Uterine anomolies as a cause of
 DES exposure- T shaped uterus (even if the
uterus is normal at HSG they have a higher
sp Ab rate)
 DES also associated with incompetent
 No treatment for DES exposure except
Uterine anomolies as a cause of
 Uterine adhesions- can be partial or
 Can cause menstral changes or amenorrhea
 There is insufficient tissue to support the
implanting embryo leading to Abs
 Most common cause is D&C then C/S,
myomectomy, IUD, Radiation, infection,TB
Uterine anomolies
 Diagnosis of adhesions is by HSG or
 Treatment is hysteroscopy D&C followed
by IUD or catheter and estrogen 2.5mg BID
for 60 days
Uterine Anomolies
 Malformation of the uterus- Uterus
didelphys, unicornate uterus, bicornate
uterus, uterine septum
 These can also be associated with
incompetent cervix
 Unicornate uterus has 50% Ab rate
 Diagnosis by HSG or hysteroscopy
Uterine Anomolies
 Bicornate uterus can be surgically corrected
via laparotomy (pt requires C/S)
 Uterine septi can be hysteroscopically
resected (pt can deliver vaginally)
Uterine Anomolies
 Incompetent cervix- congenital or acquired
 Tx cerclage at 12-14 weeks
 Cause from multiple or aggressive cervical
 Painless dilation and of effacement of the
cervix ( 20% of 2nd trimester losses)
 Cerclage decrease loss rate from 80 to 20%
Medical conditions associated
with abortions
 Diabetes
 Severe malnutrition
 Hyperthyroidism
Endocrinologic causes of
 Progesterone deficiency-progesterone
stimulates the endometrium to become
secretory if it does not then the embryo will
not implant
 Corpus luteum produces progesterone until
the placenta takes over
 Inadequate corpus luteum diagnosed with
endometrial biopsy with 3 day discrepancy
Endocrine causes
 Treatment of progesterone deficiency is
with progesterone supp 25mg BID or
Lozenges 50mg q day or daily injection
with progesterone 12.5mg
 Treatment starts 1-3 days after ovulation
 Midcycle progesterone level less than 9
Endocrine causes
 Thyroid antibodies present doubles the risk
of abortions
 Hypo or Hyper thyroidism has not proven to
increase the rate of abortions
 Hypothyroidism can cause anovulation
Endocrine causes
 Diabetes mellitus- If well controlled there
does not appear to be an increase in
abortion rate
 If poorly controlled there is and increase in
abortions and it correlates with the
glycosolated hemoglobin
Immune factors as a cause of
 Lack of maternal blocking antibodies(not
proven to be related to HLA)
 Lupus anticoagulant and Antiphospholipid
antibodies-IgG and IgM
 Check activated partial thromboplastin time
 These antibodies are seen in women with
lupus, subclinical immunologic dx,
thrombosis and recurrent pregnancy loss
Immune factors
 Pt with lupus and recurrent fetal loss have
antiphospolipid antibodies 80% of the time
 Only 15% of lupus pt have antibodies when
they don’t show recurrent loss
 Rx- Aspirin, corticosteroids, heparin
Diagnosis of abortions
 Ultrasound- Abdominal sac seen at HCG of
 Transvaginal- sac seen at 1500 HCG
 Transvaginal sac seen at 40 days after the
 Dilated cervix
 HCG( normally doubles every 48 hours)
 Prior to 6 weeks gestation and after 14
weeks abortions is frequently complete
 Between 6-14 weeks almost always
 If retained past 6 weeks a consumptive
coagulopathy can develop
 Septic abortions -are polymicrobial
infections Cefoxitin+Vibramycin or
Clindamycin+Gentamycin followed by
D&C ( if past 14 weeks consider induction
with some agent)
 Threatened abortion-Decrease physical
activity avoid intercourse( no proof of
benefit) Serial HCG and Ultrasound
 Inevitable and Incomplete abortions-
Evacuation of the uterus (out patient)
Methergine after
 Tubal Abortion- Difficult to diagnose may
require laparoscopy, expectant management
follow with HCG’s and HSG
 Recurrent aborter’s-If a women has had 3 or
more spontaneous abortions the fetus is
chromosomally normal 80-90% of the time
 This points to environmental or maternal
 If no live births 50% chance of having a
term gestation, if one birth 70% chance of
live birth
Treatment of recurrent aborter’s
 Treatment will be based on the etiology of
the cause if found
 These pt tend to abort later in gestation
 TSH, midluteal progesterone, HSG,+/-
karyotype, antphospholipid antibodies,
ureaplasma culture, and CBC
 35-44% of these pt have no etiology
 Rho Gam if mother is Rh negative in all
cases of bleeding and abortion prior to 8
weeds 50 micrograms IM after 8 weeks 300
micrograms IM
 Uterus does not have receptors for oxytocin
this early

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