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At the third world level meeting (UNFCCC = United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate Change) in Kyoto-Japan
in December 1997, set 3 important mechanisms in an effort
to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases, which are:
Emission Trading, namely transaction activities between
parties who succeed in reducing carbon emissions with
other parties who cannot meet similar obligations. This
mechanism can only be applied between developed
industrial countries (Annex I group countries signing the
Kyoto Protocol)

Cooperation between parties (Joint Implementation), which is a

cooperation between parties that cannot reduce their carbon
emissions with other parties who can reduce their carbon emissions in
the form of industrial projects to reduce carbon emissions. Even this
mechanism can only be applied between developed industrial
countries (Annex I group countries signing the Kyoto Protocol)

Clean Development Mechanism, which is a cooperation between

developing countries (which are not burdened with carbon emission
reduction obligations) and developed industrial countries (Annex I group
countries signing Kyoto Protocol) which are loaded with carbon emission
reduction obligations)

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