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Grade 12- HUMSS B & C
July 16, 17, 2019
Test I- Fill in the blank. Complete the sentence by writing the
correct word or term in the blank. Choose your answer from
the words in the box.
1. __________________ is the aggregate of words
composing a system of communication between
persons in speech or writing.
2. __________________ is a form of writing that uses
descriptive words in literary works.
3. __________________ is a form of writing that is done
to fulfil a requirement of a college or university.
4. __________________ is a form of writing that
requires or gives direction, instruction or explanation.
5. __________________ is the visually descriptive or
figurative language used in a literary work. It uses the
five senses.
6.__________________ is the choice of use of words in
speech or writing.
7. __________________ is a figure of speech that uses
like or as in comparing two fundamentally unlike things.
8. __________________ is a figure of speech in which
exaggeration is used for emphasis of effect.
9. __________________ is an implied comparison
between two unlike things that actually have something
in common.
10. _________________ is a type of diction that uses
newly coined words that sometimes can be impolite.
Test II- A. Identify the form of writing in the following
examples/titles. Write academic, creative, or technical
11. Songs _____________________
12. Software Installation Guide ______________
13. Research Paper ________________________
14. Short Stories __________________________
15. User Manuals _________________________
B. Identify the sense used in each imagery. Write sense of
sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch)

16. Juicy red strawberries

17. A sense of peacefulness washes over your body.
18. Listen to the breeze gently blowing the blades of
green grassy.
19.The sweet smell of jasmine
20. Feel the softness of velvet brushing against your
Test III- Identification. Identify the terms being described in
each number.

21. It is a collection of words written to express

ideas, imagination, or emotion. ____________
22. A stanza that has 14 lines ______________
23. A stanza that has 2 lines _______________
24. A stanza that 6 lines _______________
25. A stanza that has 3 lines _______________
26. A stanza that has 4 lines _______________
27. A stanza that has 5 lines _______________
28. It is an element of poem which is described as a
single row of words. ______________
29. It is a group of line in a poem. _____________
30. It describes words that have the same ending
sound. ____________
31. It is the feeling the poet is trying to convey.
32. It is the pattern of beats or stresses in a poem.
33. It is the truth, lesson or message the author
wants to convey. __________
34. It is the number and style of accented syllables
in a line. ______________
35. It is a literary device that uses characters, and plot
to exemplify abstract ideas and themes. It aims to teach
a lesson. ____________
36. It is a literary device wherein traditional sentence
structure is being reversed. _____________
37. A literary device which uses repetition of a word or
phrase at the beginning of a series of clauses or
sentences. ___________
38. Series of words in quick succession that all start
with the same letter or sound. _____________
39. Passing or indirect descriptive reference to
something. ____________
40. Create contrast between how things seem and how
they really are beneath the surface. (Irony)
Test IV- Enumeration. Enumerate the
following :
Four Types of Diction
41. ___________________
42. ___________________
43. ___________________
44. ___________________
Three Types of Literary Irony.
45. _______________
46. _______________
47. _______________
Give at least three (3) figures of Speech. And
explain each.
48. _______________
49. _______________
50. _______________
“Do not stop until your GOOD becomes
BETTER, and your BETTER becomes BEST. “

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