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Case Report

Staphylococcus sciuri peritonitis in

a patient on peritoneal dialysis
Afifatun Nisrina (1813010011)
Falah Dinar Al H (1813010016)
• Staphylococcus sciuri isolates were obtained
from small animals, particularry eastern grey
squirels, shouthern flying squirels and opposum.
• A few additional specimen were obtained from a
racoon, a dog, a sheep, human and
environmental sources.
• Staphylococcus sciuri has since been found to
routinely colonize both cats and dog, includinh
their oral and nasal mucosa.
• Staphylococcus sciuri a rarely reported cause of
human infection
• It has been implicated in case reports
- Endocarditis (Hedin & Widerstorm, 1998)
- Endophthalmitis (Benz, scott, Flynn, Unonius, &
Miller, 2004)
- Scalded skin syndrome (Tang, 2008)
- Urinary tract infection (Stepanovic, Jezek,
Vukovi, Dakic, & Petras, 2003)
- Pelvic inflammatory disease

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