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Simple guide to meditation
1. Sit tall
2. Relax your body
3. Be still and silent
4. Breathe
5. Calm your mind
6. When to end your practice
7. How to end your practice
8. Practice often
9. Practice everywhere

We have features for every step of the way


1. To become familiar with the working of your mind

2. To put you in touch with a different way of knowing
yourself and the world
3. To notice small beauties and pleasures in the world
around you instead of living in your head
4. To be kind to yourself instead of wishing things were
different all the time, or driving yourself to meet
impossible goals.
5. To accept yourself as you are, rather than judging
yourself all the times.
If you try to calm it(the mind), it only
makes things worse, but over time it
does calm, and when it does, there's
room to hear more subtle things —
that's when your intuition starts to
blossom and you start to see things
more clearly and be in the present
-Steve jobs
“If you can spend a perfectly
useless afternoon in a perfectly
useless manner, you have learned
how to live”.

Lin Yutang

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