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Right to Religion

What is the Right to Religion ?

One of the rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution is
the right to Freedom of Religion. As a secular nation,
every citizen of India has the right to freedom of religion
i.e. right to follow any religion. As one can find so many
religions being practiced in India, the constitution
guarantees to every citizen the liberty to follow the
religion of their choice. According to this fundamental
right, every citizen has the opportunity to practice and
spread their religion peacefully.
The Freedom of Religion under the
Indian Constitution
• The Constitution of India guarantees the protection
of certain fundamental rights. They are given in
articles 12 to 35.
• Among them articles 25 and 26 are the two central
articles guaranteeing religious freedom.
Article 25 reads:
(1) Subject to public order, morality and health and to the other
provisions of this Part, all persons are equally entitled to freedom
of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and
propagate religion.
(2) Nothing in this article shall affect the operation of any existing
law or prevent the State from making any law –
(a) regulating or restricting any economic, financial, political or other
secular activity which may be associated with religious practice;
(b) (b) providing for social welfare and reform or the throwing open
of Hindu religious institutions of a public character to all classes
and sections of Hindus1 .
Article 26 reads:
• Subject to public order, morality and health, every
religious denomination or any section thereof shall have
the right –
• (a) To establish and maintain institutions for religious and
charitable purposes;
• (b) To manage its own affairs in matters of religion;
• (c) To own and acquire movable and immovable property;
and (d) To administer such property in accordance with
• St. Stanislaus High School is fortunate to have students
coming from different economic and cultural backgrounds ,
speaking different Indian languages practising different
faiths , thus reflecting the plurality and diversity of our great
nation, India. This year, we have created awareness of the
different cultural and religious traditions of our students
through the celebration of different festivals . Through these
celebrations, we want our students to learn to respect all
faiths, all cultures and all sections of society. We are all
Stanislites, we are citizens of a secular India and we are
bound by our common humanity . Let’s walk TOGETHER
• In keeping with the theme of the
year “Together towards harmony”
the school decided to celebrate all
major festivals in school with the
help of parents, teachers and
• All students were asked to
contribute voluntarily to make the
religious celebrations a success
Festivals celebrated at St. StanislausHigh School
Together towards Harmony
• Eid al Adha
• The Inter-religious prayer service
• Dussehra
• Mount Mary Feast
• Paryushan
Eid al Adha
• Our school celebrated Eid-ul-
Adha on 21st August 2019
keeping in mind the school
theme ‘Moving Together
Towards Harmony’.
• The message projected was
to sacrifice the beast of
hatred, pride, jealousy, greed,
etc. within ourselves…. And
move together as one human
Each student was
presented with a
bookmark as a
remembrance of this
‘Harmony makes small things grow, lack of it
makes great things decay.’
• The Inter-religious prayer service
programme was held on 14th August,
2019 in the school hall.
• This annual event was based on the
thought, ‘Foster Acceptance, Inculcate
Tolerance and Harmony.’ This thought
gave a new dimension to the word
The entire programme
which started with a
procession including the
school management,
student council, parents
and students indicated
St. Stanislaus’ stance on
multi-faith and multi-
cultural acceptance.
• The festival of ‘DUSSHERA’
celebrated on 01st October
2019, depicted the victory
of good over evil.
Bandra Feast
• Saturday, 7th September,
highlighted the feast of
Basilica of Our Lady of the
Mount with a prayer service
in honour of Our Lady.
Jain festival PARYUSHAN
• The Jain festival of
celebrated in school on
27th August 2019.
• All religions have one common ideal, worship of the
Lord, and all of them proclaim that there is but one
• Respect all religions.
Thank You

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