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(having conscious knowledge of

one's own character and feelings.)
• Consciousness is also called “self-
awareness” for a reason.
(‘’I want that item” is a very
different statement from “I know
I want that item.”) Conscious
beings are aware of themselves,
know about their internal states,
and are able to predict feelings of
• This type of AI will not only be
able to understand and evoke
emotions in those it interacts
with, but also have emotions,
needs, beliefs, and potentially
desires of its own. And this is the
type of AI that doomsayers of the
technology are wary of.
• Internal Self-Awareness
• Machine internal self-awareness includes
responses to physical events
through interrupts. A relatively
straightforward process allows a computer to
know when its keyboard has been touched, or
when its hard disk is full. Interrupts
themselves date back to the 1950s and have
a fascinating history that is well
documented online.
• External Self-Awareness
• When you are willing to look at machine’s
external sense of self, through the eyes of
what matters to the machine, you can
understand it at a far deeper (and truer) level.
For example, any machine connected to the
internet has a name called an IP address. This
name appears everywhere. This is how a
machine knows when it has done something.
The widespread fear that AI will
endanger humanity and take over
the world is irrational. Here is why.
• Autonomous or Artificial Intelligence
systems can develop two ways: either as
an extension of human thinking or as
radically new thinking. Call the first
"Humanoid Thinking" (or "Humanoid
AI") and the second one "Alien Thinking"
(or "Alien AI").


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