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Breakfast Habit and Its

Impact in Our life

Yunia KP (P1337431216050)
Anita (P1337431216050)
Definition of Nutrition
• Nutrition is the sum of all processes involved
in how organisms obtain nutrients, metabolize
them, and use them to support all of life’s
• Nutritional science is the investigation of how
an organism is nourished, and incorporates
the study of how nourishment affects
personal health, and planetary health.
Definition of breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal of the day that

breaks the fast after the longest period of
sleep and is consumed within 2 to 3 hours
walking; it is comprised of food or beverage
from at least one food group, and may be
consumed at any location.
Benefit of breakfast
•Breakfast consumption can increase the feeling of
fullness throughout the morning
•Breakfast improved the school learning environment
•Breakfast eaters have higher daily intakes of
micronutrients and are more likely to meet nutrient
intake recommendations compared with individuals
who don’t eat breakfast
Effect of skipping breakfast

•Memory problem
•less attentive and concentrate less in class
•breakfast skippers were found to be
A Good Menu For Breakfast
•Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
•Schmitz, Andy. 2012. An Introduction to Nutrition (e-
•Journal of Today’s Dietian.
There are many benefit you’ll get from
breakfast and also it very usefull from
our body
So, its better if we always breakfast to
get some benefit and prefent some

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