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European Art History

European art history began with early mobile

anthropomorphic carvings in the Palaeolithic era.
As well as cave paintings reflecting natural
world. Europe took a distinct term from other
regions with the rise of the Greek empire, and
Greek classical art and architecture influenced
later European art for centuries. The Christian
church influence much of medieval art until the
renaissance. When a revival in classical ideas turn
artistic attention to humanistic themes.
Subsequent artistic movements were alternatively
progressive and conservative, typically developing as
reactions to previous movements. The art of Europe
or western art, encompasses the history of visual art
in Europe . European prehistoric art started as mobile
upper Palaeolithic rock and cave painting and
petroglyp art and was characteristics of the period
between the Palaeolithic and the iron age. Written
histories of European art often begin with the art of
the ancient middle east and the ancient Aegean
civilizations, dating from the 3rd millennium BC.
• Parallel with this significant cultures, art of
one form or another existed all over Europe,
whenever there are people, leaving signs such
as carvings. Decorated artefacts and huge
standing stones. However a consistent pattern
of artistic development within Europe becomes
clear only with the art of ancient Greece
adopted and transformed by Rome and carried,
with the empire across much of Europe, North
America and the middle east.
European People History
European History
Periods of European History
-Middle ages
-Iron age
-Bronze age
-Long ninetent century
-Post cold war era
-Viking ages
-Elizabethan era etc.
Empires of Europe
• Roman empire
• Holy roman empire
• Ottoman empire
• Russian empire
• German empire
• Spanish empire etc.

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