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Quantum Numbers
Quantum Numbers

 An orbital can be described according to four quantum

numbers n, l, 𝑚𝑙 and 𝑚𝑠
Principal Quantum Number, n

 Refers to the main energy level of the an orbital

 Total energy of the electron in an atom
 Can have a value of any positive integer starting from 1
Principal Quantum Number, n

 An increase in n means increase in the energy of the

electron in the orbital
Principal Quantum Number, n

 Represents radial distance that the region where the

electron is most likely to be found extends out from the
 Greater n, greater radial distance
Principal Quantum Number, n

 Maximum number of electrons per main energy level:

 Where n = principal quantum number or main energy level
Azimuthal Quantum Number, l

 Also called as angular momentum number or subsidiary

 Represents energy sublevels beginning with zero and
increasing until n-1
Azimuthal Quantum Number, l

 Defines the shape of the orbital

Azimuthal Quantum Number, l

l Sublevel Orbital Shape

0 s Spherical
1 p Dumbbell
2 d 4 cloverleaf-shaped; 1 dumbbell-
shaped with a ring
3 f (too complex to describe)
Azimuthal Quantum Number, l

 A sublevel in a particular main energy level is defined by

its n and l values.
Azimuthal Quantum Number, l

n l Kind of Sublevel
1 0 1s
2 0 2s
2 1 2p
3 0 3s
3 1 3p
3 2 3d
Magnetic Quantum Number, 𝑚𝑙

 Describes the orientation of the orbital in space

 Can have an integral value from –l to +l, including 0
Magnetic Quantum Number, l

Sublevel l 𝒎𝒍
s 0 0
p 1 -1, 0, +1
d 2 -2, -1, 0, +1, +2

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