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Steps To Follow While Framing

A Descriptive Essay

To create magic with your descriptive essay, you must

make sure of framing your essay in such a way that it
makes a visual picture in the minds of your audience
will engage within all the five senses. Follow the
following steps to prepare an effective essay:
1) Select an assignment title that you know you can do justice to.

Make sure of not only putting words on paper but creating an
illustration through your words.

2) Frame a thesis statement that will explain the jest of your

descriptive essay to the readers.

3) Create a framework and divide your descriptive essay into five

sub-headings holding the relevant information in a story form for
the readers to understand well.
4) Make sure of taking care of the word count of the essay.

5) Finally, you need to make sure of concluding your essay by


answering or explaining each part of your thesis statement. Make
sure your conclusion is brief and to the points.

6) Once you are done with your essay, make sure that you are
successful in giving away your thoughts in a clear manner.

7)Once you are done with your essay, make sure that you are
successful in giving away your thoughts in a clear manner.

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