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By- Mr.

Pawale Satish
How to Install Python on Windows [Pycharm IDE]

• PyCharm is a cross-platform editor developed by JetBrains. Pycharm

provides all the tools you need for productive Python development.
How to Comment in Python

Lets see how to comment in Python now. Comments are nothing but
tagged lines of codes which increase the readability of a code and make
it self-explanatory. There are different ways of creating comments
depending on the type of comment we want to include in our code.
Following are different kinds of comments that can be included in our
Python program:
• Single Line Comments
• Docstring Comments
• Multiline Comments
As we can observe from the above example, in C, all variables are
explicitly declared with their respective data types; while in
Python, a variable is directly taken and then just assigned a value
to it rather than declaring the data type of that variable. In
Python, the data types of variables are dynamically taken. We can
assign any value to the variable, and the Python interpreter will
identify the data type. We can also re-assign a different type of
value to an already assigned variable, unlike in C or Java where if
we have declared a variable to be an integer and then assign a
string value to it then we will get an error.

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