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Egyptian mythology

• Egyptian mythology includes the study of

beliefs based on the religion of Ancient Egypt
from the pre-Dynastic era until the imposition
of Christianity, when its practices were
banned in the time of Justinian I, in the year
• It originated along the midde and lower
reached of the Nile River three times of
pharaonic splendor in the period called old
kingdom, middle kingdom and new empire.
• The Egypctians were very skilled buliders and built
bulidings. They rendered a special cult to the dead; the
bodies were embalmed in precious sarcophagus which, in
turn, were stored in sumptuous graves. The pyramids are
precisely the royal tombs. Inside these tombs the deceased
were surrounded by the belongings and most beloved
objects, as if from one moment to another they could wake
up and return to life.

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