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Polarity of Molecules

•Covalent bonds---- electrons
are shared
•Ionic bonds----- electrons are
lost or gained
Nonpolar Covalent Bonds
When similar atoms share electrons,
their electron clouds are equally
distributed or equally attracted by the
bonding nuclei.
Electrical charges are uniformly
distributed in the molecule.
Polar Covalent Bonds
When different atoms share their
electrons, the electrical charges are
unevenly distributed in the molecule.
This is due to the difference in the
electronegativity of the atoms of
different elements.
If the molecule is polar or nonpolar, how is it
1. Nonpolar molecules can be formed:
a. by two atoms of similar elements
b. when the molecules are electrically uniform as a
result of similar bonds oriented equally in space.
Lone pairs are pairs of electrons in the central
atom where all the electrons are bonded to another
2. Polar molecules can be formed:
a. by two atoms of different elements
b. when the molecules are electrically
nonuniform or as a result of unsymmetrical
c. when the central atom is bonded to
different substituent atoms
What makes molecules stick
When two electrons are near each other,
the forces they exert upon each other are
repulsive . The attractive forces exist
between the sides of different polarity
( signs).
The more positive side of one molecule is
attracted to the more negative side of the
other molecule. This attraction is known as
the dipole-dipole force.
London dispersion force which is the
result of the attraction of electrons of an
atom to the nucleus of a nearby atom.
This is created as electrons move
continuously around the nucleus.
This type of force is weaker than the
dipole-dipole force.
A third kind is the force between ion and a
dipole. An ion crystal with a polar liquid will
dissolve easily in the liquid. The ions will be
attracted to the dipole molecules of the liquid
due to electrostatic forces
E.g dissolving table salt in water
Importance of Ions
Ions are present in our body in relatively small
Iodine- functions as synthesizers of thyroxine
too little iodine intake---- goiter
Fluorine-essential in the hardness of our teeth.
Help prevent tooth decay, too much –
teeth appear brownish in color.
Ions are also found in our atmosphere ----
Layer contains ionized air particles that
aid in the transmission of radio wave

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