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Medical Test

Group 2:
Senja Yoga Pratama (171156)
Regita Irsha Prayiwi (171144)
Rizal Satria Novanda (171149)
Vivi Dwi Nuriandini (171178)
Widya anggraeni (171180)
Blood test and culture
Blood test to be part of many medical examinations.
This is partly because the blood is linked to all parts of the
body. If there is a problem in any one area, in the liver, say,
or the appendix, some change is likely to occur in the
blood a change that can be detected by a blood test.
A blood culture test helps your doctor figure out if you
have a kind of infection that is in your bloodstream and
can affect your entire body. Doctors call this a systemic
infection. The test checks a sample of your blood for
bacteria that might be causing the infection.
 Healthy people have three groups of cells in a certain range,
namely red blood cells (to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide), white
cells (to fight infection) and platelets (needed for blood clotting). if
there are too few red blood cells this condition is known as anemia
which will make the body become weak and tired quickly. on the
other hand the infection can also produce the same symptoms,
because many infections cause the number of white blood cells to
increase, the doctor concluded that the case was called an
 Other people again have red cell over coats made up of both
types of protein hene their blood is known as type AB. Finally, the
red cell overcoats of another large group of people have neither of
these proteins; their blood type is O. To complicate matters , any of
these overcoats can have a second type of protein called the rh
factor. Those who have it are rh positive; those who haven’t are Rh
 The key to succesfull transfusion is to match the blood of a donor to
that of a recipient, and a blood test is necessary to establish this. A
mismatch can threaten the life of the recipient because the
immune system will recignise the unmatched cells as foreign, and
take steps to destroy them.
Common blood tests

 Full blood count (FBC)  Creatinine

 Alkaline phosphatase  Glucose
 AST aspartate transaminase)  Iron and total iron binding
and ALT (alanine capacity (TIBC)
transaminase)  Phosphorus
 Bilirubin  Total blood protein and
 Calcium albumin
 Electrolytes  Uric acid
 Blood urea
 Cholesterol
Faeces and urine test
 Faeces test
that is a possibility, people do get in fected with intestinal parasites
eggs. Body parts or entire bodies are found in their faeces. But facces
tests can reveal much more. For example, the colour may be a cluc to
an abnormal condition: black or red faeces may indicate stomach or
intestinal bleeding; tan or white stools hint at liver or gall bladder
problems. Chemical tests can also be performed on a facces sample.
Such tests can turn up blood even when the faeces appear normal.
Cultures can also be performed on a faeces sample to determine a
possible infectious cause of diarrhoea. The specimen can be
examined for fat and salt content to check whether food is being
properly digested and absorbed.
How to collect faeces sample?

 Carefully,
 neatly and directly into a dry container
 The faeces should not be contamminated with water
 Also make sure the container is clean, becuse foreign material in it
could lead to false test results.
 All the blood, at some time or other during the day, passes through
the kidneys. This means that not only are disease of the kidney and
urinary tract detectable in urine, but also a number of disease that
affect the blood although occurring elsewhere in the body. The
best-known example is diabetes melitus . this is a condition in which
a lack of sugar controlling insulin allows the level of glucose in the
blood to become too high.
The component specified in the urine
 Electrolytes, acids, alkalines, and proteins
 Glucose (sugar)
 Blood cells as indicators of an internal bleeding or urinary tract
infection, respectively
 Infectious diseases parameters and pathogens
 Tumour markers
Stool Test

 determine pathogens for infectious diseases diagnostics

 to look for blood in order to early detect intestinal
bleedings as a result of treatment-induced severe
immunosuppression and anaemia
Skin Test

To find out someone knows allergies skin doctors do more spesific

tests to inject various substances under the skin. These substances,
called allergens, are found in car fur, house dust, pollen from various
plants, and the like. Allergies to foods and certain drugs are also tested
in the same manner. By a process of elimination, the doctor hopes to
track down the culprit sothat the allegens can be avoided or the
allergy treated.
 people can develop allergies or sensintive to a wide variety of
subtances. What happens is that when you first come in contscts
with the subtabces, the body reacts in a very spesifiv way. The
immune system makes antibodies to combat the substance in case
it should enter the body at a leter time. However, in some cases the
serious symptoms of an allergic reaction, which may include the
narrowing of closing of breathing passanges, hives, a drop in blood
pressure, weakening of the heart and abdominal symptoms.. For this
reason, it is important to know whether the body contains these
‘combat’ chemicals.
X-ray and Smilar test

 An x-ray examination creates images of your internal organs or bones to

help diagnose conditions or injuries. A special machine emits (puts out) a
small amount of ionis ingradiation.
How x-rays work

 A small amount of ionising radiation is passed through the body.

Now days x-ray examinations are more likely to use a device that
will capture transmitted x-rays create an electronic image. The
calcium in bones blocks the passage of radiation, so healthy bones
show up as white or grey. On the other hand, radiation passes easily
through air spaces, so healthy lungs appear black.
The Heart

 the cavity of muscular organs that pumps blood through blood

vessels by repetitive rhythmic contractions. Blood supplies oxygen
and nutrients to the body, also helps eliminate metabolic waste.
 The heart wall is composed of three layers: epicardium,
myocardium, and endocardium.
 The heart is almost completely enveloped by the lungs, but is
covered by a double membrane called the pericardium, which
attaches to the diaphragm. The first layer is attached very tightly to
the heart, while the outer layer is more loose and runny, to avoid
friction between organs in the body that occurs due to the constant
pumping movements of the heart.
 The heart is kept in place by the blood vessels which cover the
heart area evenly / evenly, such as at the base and on the side.
Two dividing lines (formed from muscles) in the outer layer of the
heart indicate where the dividing wall is between the foyer and the
chambers of the heart.
Internal structure of the heart

 Internally, the heart is separated by a muscle layer into two parts,

from top to bottom, into two pumps. These two pumps have never
been connected from birth. This cleavage consists of two cavities
separated by the heart wall. Then it can be concluded that the
heart consists of four cavities, right & left porch and right & left
 Heart disease is a condition that causes the heart can not carry out
its duties properly. These things include: Weak heart muscle. This is a
congenital abnormality from birth. Weak heart muscle makes the
patient unable to do excessive activity, because the imposition of
excessive heart performance will cause pain in the chest, and
sometimes can cause the body to appear bluish. Sufferers of weak
heart muscle is easy to pass out.
Thank you

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