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The Second Voyage of

Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus with a fleet of 17 ships, 5 naos and 12 caravels,
and a crew of 1,500 men of various professions and trades sail from
Cádiz On September 25, 1493
chronology of the second voyage
• On November 3 up to the
Caribbean Sea, discovering islands
of the archipelago of the Lesser
Antilles. The first he discovered on
this trip was named Desired
• They toured Dominica and take
solemn possession in Marigalante.
Then they anchored next to
Guadalupe, arriving at Montserrat
and Antigua, and then crossing the
archipelago of the Eleven
Thousand Virgins.
Disaster of Strong Christmas
• On November 27, when they
reached the coast, they
observed the Christmas Fort,
reduced to rubble and Ash
where they left 40 of their men,
no one was alive, and their
inhabitants were all killed.
The First Spanish City Founded in the voyage from Christopher Columbus to
Indies: "La Isabela" Jamaica

• Founded On January 6, 1494 It • In Search of the Asian continent

With 96 men and 3 caravels. In
does not last long, just a few April Christopher Columbus
days after being founded, La resumes his Expeditions Sailing
Isabela suffers an epidemic that four months to the south of Cuba,
which takes Christopher Columbus
ends with many of the settlers to Jamaica.
• They toured the south of
Hispaniola, stopping at Isla Saona
and touching Puerto Rico without
finding traces of any oriental
• On March 10, 1496 Columbus
returned to Spain with two boats,
the girl and India, this last ship will
be the first European ship in

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