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Measures of Variability

This chapter presents the meašures of variability,

namely: range, quartile deviation,average deviation,
variance, and standard deviation. These measures of
variability describeon hOw the sets of observation are
dispersed, scattered or spread, unlike the measures
ofcentral tendency which do not give information on
how the scores are dispersed.

• Range is obtained by getting the difference between the highest.

score and the low-est score. In Sample A of Figure 6.1, the highest
score is 60 and the lowest score, 40. Therange is 60 40 20. In
Sample B, the highest score is 75 and the lowest score, 20.
Therange is 75-20 55. Hence, SampleB is more scattered than
Sample A because the rangeis 55, whereas in Sample A, the range
is only 20.
Quartile Deviation

• Quartile deviation is another measure of

variability which divides the difference ofthe
third quartile and first quartile into halves.
Average Deviation or Mean Deviation

• Average deviation or mean deviation is defined as the

sum of absolute deviations ofthe arithmetic mean
divided. by the number of cases. It is a measure of
variability infrequently used.
Average Deviation from Grouped Data

• Average deviation from grouped data is applicable

when the number of cases (N) isequal to or more than ()
30. In computing avérage deviation from grouped data
in a formof frequency distribution, the steps are as

• Variance is another measure of variability which is the

square of standard deviation.It is also called the mean
square.One of the sources of variance is the difference
between individuals. There's a sayingwhich goes, "No
two individuals are alike." Even identical twins differ
from each other.If a set of observation has no
difference, there is no variance.
Variance from Ungrouped Data Using Machine

• Variance from ungrouped data is applied when the

number of cases (N) is less than(<)30. There are two
methods in getting the variance from ungrouped
data. These are themachine formula and the working
Variance with the Use of Computer

Variance obtained with the aid of

computer yields instant results. The
steps in gettingvariance with the use of
computer are as follows:
Step 1. Switch on the computer.
Step 2. Wait until Start menu appears.
Step 3. Hold the mouse. Click Start
menu. Click Programs. Click Microsoft
Step 4. Wait until the computer
displays Microsoft Excel Program.
Step 5. Type the data as follows:
• Step 6. Highlight the data. Click Tools menu. Click Data
• Step 7. Wait until the computer displays Analysis Tools.
Click Descriptive Statistics. Click OK.
• Step8. The computer displays Input. In Input Range: Type
• Step 9. Click Summary Statistics. Click OK
• .Step 10. The computer displays as follows:
Variance from Grouped Data Using Midpoint Method

Variance from grouped data is applied when the

number of cases (N) is equal to ormore than (>) 30.
There are two methods of getting variance from
grouped data in a formof frequency distribution. These
are the midpoint method and the clas-deviation

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