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Motivation and Affect

Michael R. Solomon

Motivation Process
Motivation refers to the processes that
cause people to behave as they do. Once a
need has been activated, a state of tension
exists that drives the consumer to attempt to
reduce or eliminate the need

Motivation Process
• Need
1) Utilitarian—a desire to achieve some functional or
practical benefit.
2) Hedonic—an experiential need, involving emotional
responses or fantasies.

Motivation Process
• Goal The desired end state is the
consumer’s goal.
• Drive The degree of arousal is called
a drive.
• Want Personal and cultural factors
combine to create a want.
• incidental brand exposure

How To Describe Motivation
• Its strength.
• Its direction.

Motivational Strength
• The degree to which a person is willing to
expend energy to reach one goal as
opposed to another reflects his or her
underlying motivation to attain that goal.
• Biological Versus Learned Needs
• Drive Theory
• Expectation Theory

Motivational Direction
• The degree to which a person is willing to
expend energy to reach one goal as
opposed to another reflects his or her
underlying motivation to attain that goal.
• Needs Vs Wants
• Types of Needs
• Motivational Conflicts
• Types of Conflict
• Classifying Consumer Needs
• Needs Relevant To Buying Behavior

Needs Vs Wants

• Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

• Learned Needs theory

Motivational Direction
• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Learned Needs theory
identified three motivators that he believed we all have: a need for
achievement, a need for affiliation, and a need for power.

Dominant Motivator Characteristics of This Person

•Has a strong need to set and accomplish
challenging goals.
•Takes calculated risks to accomplish their
Achievement goals.
•Likes to receive regular feedback on their
progress and achievements.
•Often likes to work alone.
•Wants to belong to the group.
•Wants to be liked, and will often go along
with whatever the rest of the group wants
to do.
•Favors collaboration over competition.
•Doesn't like high risk or uncertainty.
•Wants to control and influence others.
•Likes to win arguments.
•Enjoys competition and winning.
•Enjoys status and recognition.
Types Of Motivational Conflicts
• A goal has valence, which means that it
can be positive or negative. Therefore
goals can be sought or avoided
• Approach - Approach
• Approach - Avoidance
• Avoidance – Avoidance

Motivational Conflicts

Consumer Involvement
• Involvement refers to be “a person’s
perceived relevance of the object based
on their inherent needs, values, and

Levels of Involvement
• Information Processing
• Simple Processing
only basic features of a message are considered.

• Elaborate Processing
information is linked to one’s preexisting
knowledge systems.


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