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In 1977, heavyweight boxer George Foreman nearly died as the result of a 12-round

fight against the great Jimmy Young. After praying to God for a second chance,
Foreman committed to becoming a born-again Christian. Today, Foreman ministers at
his own church, has founded a youth center, and frequently collaborates with Trinity
Broadcasting Network and The 700 Club.
Chuck Norris, the iconic and manly star of the hit show Walker, Texas Ranger, is easily
one of the most famous people in Hollywood to have become a born-again Christian.
Since officially converting, Norris has written a number of Christian books. He’s been
vocal about his belief that children in American public schools should be educated
about the Bible.
Transformers and Ted actor Mark Wahlberg had a bit of a rough childhood. The
youngest of nine, Wahlberg dropped out of school at age 13. At age 16 was charged
with attempted murder and assault, for which he served prison time.
Says Wahlberg, “The first thing I do when I start my day is, I get down on my hands and
knees and give thanks to God. If I can start my day out by saying my prayers and getting
myself focused, then I know I’m doing the right thing. That 10 minutes helps me in
every way throughout the day.”
President George W. Bush abandoned much of his religious beliefs quite young in life.
After years spent partying and experimenting with drugs, Bush was able to get sober
and adopted Evangelical Christianity. As the 43rd President of the United States, Bush
was vocal about his religious beliefs, saying, “I trust God speaks through me. Without
that, I couldn’t do my job.”

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