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Name of Advisor Name of the student:

Amandeep Singh Parmpreet Kaur

(Asst. Prof.)
Beekeeping is the practice of managing honeybee colonies
to get honey, beeswax, propolis and royal jelly.

 Apis mellifera is well adapted to survive in a harsh

climate. It forages over longer distances than the Italian
bee and can make better use of food resources present in
the surrounding.

 Foraging is that activity of bees in which they collect

flowers nectar and convert into honey, collect pollens as
their food and water to maintain the hive temperature.
 To study the seasonal impact of foraging behaviour in A.
mellifera L. colonies.

 To study the characteristics of foraging behaviour with

respect to ageing of bees.
Materials and Methods
 Experiment No.1: To study the seasonal impact on
foraging intensity of A. mellifera Linnaeus colonies.
 Treatments:
1. Beekeeping seasons: Five viz.
Spring( March to May)
Summer(June to August)
Monsoon(July to September)
Autumn(September to November)
Winter(December to February)
2. Morning(9am), afternoon(1pm) and

Number of Treatments: 2

Number of Replications: 3
Observations :
 1) Foraging
 2) Brood
 3) Honey
 4) Pollen
 5) Relative Humidity
 6) Temperature
 7) Precipitation
 8) Worker strength
 9) Surrounding flora around 3 km
Statistical analysis: Data will be analyze as per need
of the experiment.

Foraging activity will be determined in terms of the
number of worker bees going out and coming in
within 10 min during respective intervals. The
number of foragers coming in with pollen loads will
be separately recorded as pollen foragers and those
bees returning without pollen loads will be consider
as nectar gatherers.
Experiment No. 2: To study the characteristic of foraging
behaviour of honey bee with respect to

Treatments: Beekeeping seasons: Five viz; spring,

summer, monsoon, autumn, winter.

 Number of Treatments : 1

 Number of Replications : 3
Methodology: Foraging task with respect to age of
worker bees will be studied through marking the
emerging worker (within 12 hours) with colour tags and
introduce into an unrelated host colony to measure the
foraging task.

Statistical Analysis: Data will be analyze as per need of

the experiment.
Thank you

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