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The Teflon President (Iran-Contra scandal) – 1980s

Contras – Rebels fighting against communist gov’t in Nicaragua

Hezbollah – Middle East terrorists holding American hostage
Boland Amendment – Congress cut off direct U.S. aid to Contras
Col. Oliver North – In charge of arranging arms sales w/ Iran
• To aid anti-communist forces in Nicaragua against Congress’ will, the Reagan
administration raised money by selling arms to Iran. The cash was illegally used
to fund the Contras. Iran also pressured Hezbollah in Lebanon to release
Americans being held hostage. None of the allegations of corruption against
Reagan stuck – like in a non-stick teflon pan.
1. An investigation found Reagan not at fault, but that he should have monitored
his people more closely
2. Col. North and others were found guilty in court, but did not serve jail time
The Maduro Diet (Venezuela Crisis) – 2010s
OPEC – Org. of Petroleum Exporting Countries: Ven. & Ecuador are mbrs.
Hugo Chavez – ruled Ven. ’99 – ’13, instituted socialism
Maduro Diet – describes lack of food in Ven. as 75% adults lost avg. 25lbs
Juan Guaido – leader of national assembly, contested president of Ven.
• Chavez turned a promising economy into a faltering socialist experiment by
nationalizing the oil industry and redistributing wealth. His hand-picked
successor, Maduro continues his programs as Ven. deteriorates economically.
The National Assembly decided the 2018 presidential election a fraud and
appointed Guaido as interim president, but Maduro refuses to step down.
1. Most of Venezuela’s educated have left the country
2. The Org. of American States (OAS) considers Maduro the illegitimate leader
3. Chavez would often give speeches on national TV and break out into song
U.S.-Mexico Border – 1980s on
USMCA – Replaces NAFTA, stronger enforcement & protection of copyrights, patents
Free trade – removal of obstacles such as tariffs to international trade
Imm. Rfrm&Cntrl Act (’86) – Reagan grants amnesty to illegals
Migrant caravan – Thousands flee violence in CentAm & head north to seek refuge in
US, stopped at border until processed
• Citing NAFTA as the worst deal, Trump renegotiates and Congress ratifies the
USMCA in 2020, promoting more free trade among the NoAm nations
• Refugees of violence in Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico have been held at the US-
Mex border, creating a humanitarian crisis while leaders decide what to do
1. Trump’s “wall” is aimed at curbing illegal immigration and the flow of drugs
2. NAFTA was passed under Clinton and was initially criticized for a loss of US jobs
3. There were over 20 migrant caravans ranging from 1 to 7 thousand refugees last

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