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FDP on C++

Venue : SJT 316

Prof. S P Meenakshi
Session: 2 – 5 pm
Date : 14-11-19 Assistant Prof. (Sr)
Topics to be covered
• What is function overriding in C++?
• Accessing overridden function in the base class from the derived class
• Upcasting
• Early Binding Vs Late Binding
• Virtual Functions
• Pure Virtual Functions
• Abstract Classes
• Exercises
Class and Inhertance
• The class which inherits the members of another class is called as
derived class
• The class whose members are inherited is called base class
Base class and Derived class example
#include <iostream> int main()
using namespace std; {
class Vehicle // Base class Bus b1;
public: b1.bus_id= “TN_b001”;
string vehicle_id; b1.vehicle_id=“V_TN_b001”;
cout << “Bus id : “ << b1.bus_id <<
class Bus : public Vehicle // Derived class
cout << “Vehicle id:” << b1.vehicle_id
<< endl;
string bus_id;
What is function overriding in c++?
• Base class and derived class can have member functions with same name
and arguments.
• The member function implementation may differ in derived class from
parent class
• Also derived class inherits public data members and member functions
from parent class
• An object is created for child class and using which a member function
(with same name in base and derived class) is called
• Only child class member function will be invoked
• The inherited parent member function is overridden by derived class
• This feature is called as function overriding
Inheritance - Example

#include <iostream>
class Bus : public Vehicle // Derived class
using namespace std; {
class Vehicle // Base class };
int main()
public: {
string vehicle_id; Bus b1;
b1.vehicle_id ="V_TN_001";
void disp() b1.disp();
cout << " From parent class : " << }
vehicle_id << endl;}
Example – function overridding
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Bus : public Vehicle // Derived class
class Vehicle // Base class {
{ public:
public: string bus_id;
string vehicle_id; void disp()
void disp() cout << "In child class : " << bus_id << endl;
{ }
cout << "In parent class : " << }
vehicle_id << endl;}
Example – function overriding (cont.,)
int main()
Bus b1;

Accessing overridden function in the base class
from the derived class
• Derived class inherits data members and member functions from parent
• Parent member function can be overridden in derived class
• Overridden parent member function can be accessed inside child class
• Scope resolution operator :: is used to access parent member function
• Example: To access disp() of Vehicle class in Bus Class
• Vehicle::disp() -- is used in Bus class
• Class specification is important
• With out class it is interpreted as recursive call
Accessing overridden function in the base class
from the derived class - Example
#include <iostream> class Bus : public Vehicle // Derived class
using namespace std; public:
class Vehicle // Base class string bus_id;
{ void disp()
public: cout << "In child class : " << bus_id << endl;
string vehicle_id; Vehicle::disp(); // Accessing base class function in
void disp() derived class}
int main()
cout << "In parent class : " <<
vehicle_id << endl; {
Bus b1;
} b1.bus_id="TN_b001";
} b1.vehicle_id="V_TN_b001";
Upcasting and Downcasting
• Object references can be type casted
• Example – parent object reference can be type casted to derived
object reference and vice versa
• Upcasting – derived class reference /pointer treated as base class
• Implicit type cast allowed
• Downcasting – base class reference/pointer treated as derived class
• Explicit typecast required
• It is not safe operation most of the times
Upcasting and Downcasting Example
class Bus : public Vehicle
#include <iostream> {
using namespace std; public: int main()
string bus_id; {
class Vehicle
disp() Vehicle v1, *pv;
{ { Bus b1, *pb;
public: cout << "In child : " << bus_id
string vehicle_id; << endl; //upcast
} pv = &b1;
disp() }; upcast(*pv);
{ upcast(Vehicle& v) pv->disp();
cout << "In parent : " << vehicle_id
<< endl; v.disp(); //downcast
} pb = (Bus *) &v1;
downcast(Bus& b) downcast(*pb);
{ Bus *pb1;pb->disp();
}; b.disp(); }
Early Binding
• Binding refers to the process that is used to convert identifiers (such
as variables and function names) into addresses
• Focus on function binding
• Early binding – binding function name to address during compilation
• In programs, we have direct function calls and indirect function calls
• A direct function call is a statement that directly calls a function
• Compiler adds a machine language instruction jumpto with function
definition address in place of the function call
• It is static binding
Early Binding - Example
int main()
#include <iostream> {
using namespace std; int a=5, b=9;
void add(int x, int y)
char op;
cout << "Enter '+' for addition, '*' for multiplication " <<
int z;
z= x+y;
cin >> op;
cout << x << " + " << y << " = " << z;
void multiply(int x, int y) {
int z; case '+': add(a,b);break;
z = x* y; case '*': multiply(a,b);break;
cout << x << " * " << y << " = " << z; }

} }
Late Binding
• In some programs, it is not possible to know which function will be
called until runtime
• This is known as dynamic binding or late binding
• Function pointers are used for this task
• Function pointer is a pointer that points to a function
• Function call operator (()) is used to call the function pointed by the
function pointer
• Late binding involves an extra level of indirection i.e, machine
instruction to read the function pointer and then jump to the address
Late Binding Example
int main()
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int a=5, b=9;
int add(int x, int y)
char op;
//create a function pointer
int z; int (*Fptr)(int,int) = NULL;
z= x+y;
cout << x << " + " << y << " = " << z; cout << "Enter '+' for addition, '*' for multiplication " << endl;
} cin >> op;
int multiply(int x, int y)
{ switch(op)
int z; {
z = x* y; case '+': Fptr=add;break;
cout << x << " * " << y << " = " << z; case '*': Fptr=multiply;break;
} // Call the function, the pointer points to; late binding
Virtual Functions
• A virtual function is a member function in base class
• It is expected to be redefined in the derived class (overridden)
• During upcasting, the base class virtual function can be called to
execute the overridden version of the derived class
• Virtual functions ensure that the correct function is called for an
object, regardless of the type of reference (or pointer) used for
function call.
• Functions are declared with a virtual keyword in base class.
• The resolving of function call is done at Run-time.
• They are mainly used to achieve Runtime polymorphism
Virtual function - Example
#include <iostream> class Display
using namespace std; {
class Vehicle public:
{ disp_features(Vehicle *v)
string vehicle_id;
virtual disp()
{ cout << "Display vehicle features: " << vehicle_id << endl; } int main()
}; {
class Bus : public Vehicle Vehicle *vptr,v;
Bus b;
Display d;
string bus_id;
disp() vptr=&b;
{ cout << "Display bus features: " << bus_id << endl; } d.disp_features(vptr);
}; }
Abstract Class and Pure Virtual Function
• Base class which cannot be instantiated
• Classes can be derived from abstract class
• Objects can be instantiated for derived class
• Abstract class contains pure virtual functions
• A virtual function whose declaration ends with “=0” is pure virtual
• Inheritance is used in this concept for better visualization of the
Abstract Class and Pure Virtual Function - Example
#include <iostream>
class Bus : public Vehicle
using namespace std; {
//Abstract class public :
// Constructor
class Vehicle Bus()
{ {
int numWheels, seats; wheels_capacity()
string type,owner; {
cout << "Enter number of wheels for " << type << " : " << endl;
cin >> numWheels;
getdata() cout <<"Enter number of sheets for " << type << " : " << endl;
{ cin >> seats;
cout << "Enter the owner name of vehicle :" << endl;
cin >> owner; {
} cout << "Vehicle owner : " << owner << endl;
cout << "Vehicle type : " << type << endl;
//pure virtual function cout << "Number of wheels : " << numWheels << endl;
virtual wheels_capacity()=0; cout << "Seat Capacity : " << seats << endl;
virtual disp_details()=0;
Abstract Class and Pure Virtual Function – Example (cont.)

int main()
Bus b1;
• Exercise 1 : Add one more pure virtual function bankloan and two
classes Car and Bike. Display vehicle details and bank loan details of
different vehicle objects.
• Exercise 2 : Create base class for a battle game. Create derived classes
for Gunbattle and Airbattle. Use overridden concept in the derived
classes and display the details of base and derived objects.
• Exercise 3 : Create player class for the problem given in exercise 2.
Create function: involvebattle in player class that takes upcasted
Gunbattle or Airbattle objects and add score to the player.
• Exercise 4: Create IndianMovie as base class and Tamil and Telugu
movies as derived classes. Show the usage of early and late bindings
for the functions used in the classes.

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