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Task 2 - Writing

Edward Peralta
Paso 1-Revise y estudie el
contenido en línea de la unidad
1 y la unidad 2 que se
encuentran en el Entorno de
Conocimiento. Paso 2- Ingrese
al contenido en línea de la
Unidad 1 y realice: Practice 2 &
Practice 3. Luego, ingrese al
Collaborative Environment al
foro de la tarea de Producción
escrita y publique allí el
pantallazo de la realización de
estas dos prácticas. Paso 3-
Realice la lectura del texto
Robert’s Day que se encuentra
el contenido en línea en la Unit
1-4: Adverbs of frequency used
I always wake up at 8 or 10 in the morning.
Paso 3- Realice la I don’t have an alarm.
lectura del texto I get up, drink a Cup of chocolate
Robert’s Day que se , and put som eggs on the stove.
encuentra el contenido While I have my eggs, I do some reading.
I read the news online, or I read a book. Sometimes I listen to a podcast
en línea en la Unit 1-4: instead
Adverbs of frequency of reading.
used in routines. Luego I like‘ podcast, and also las 5 de millos.
ingrese al Collaborative I don't usually bathe. I'd rather do it later in the day.
Environment al foro de When I finish my chocolate,
work out two or three times a week, and on Saturdays I go to
esta tarea y publique el football with some friends in
pantallazo de la Retiro park.
respuestas de Practice I hang out with my girlfriend.
1 Unit 1-4: Adverbs of I go to around cajica or fontanar when I can. My last trip was to Melgar,
frequency used in in the hotel cafam.
Paso 4- Cada
estudiante y de
manera individual,
debe diseñar 3
acompañadas con  My mother is medium height and really slim. She has long, dark
una imagen o blonde hair and wonderful blue eyes. She's really beautiful, with very
striking features. She look's a bit like a younger version of Jennifer
fotografía con la Lawrence. My mother is a very cheerful person. Even early in the
morning she's always smiling and in a good mood. I don't know how
siguiente she does it! My mother is great, but sometimes I feel she's a bit
absent-minded, she often "forgets" to do things she promised she
información: would. We get on well most of the time, although we argue
sometimes too. Also we get on really well because we have a similar
attitude to life and we always have lots to talk about.
 My father is a 40 years old white guy. He is tall and slim but with a
big fat belly. He has black eyes, small nose, big ears and short
black hair. He likes talk a lot, he can talk about everything because
is so smart and he also likes to play with me when I'm boring. He
used to be well dessed, and sometimes he looks like a elegant

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