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Local Adaptation

What is Local Adaptation?

Local adaptation as differentially adapted

subpopulation of a single species (with
existing gene flow between subpopulations
especially for sexually reproducing species).
Examples of Locally Adaptation of
Galapagos Tortoises

There are two general shapes to the shell of

tortoises on the Galapagos Islands. On islands with
little low-lying vegetation the tortoises seem to
have evolved long necks & limbs and different
shell shapes which allow them to reach up more
Galapagos Tortoises
Examples of Locally Adaptation of
Silent Crickets

Marlene Zuk has some very famous work on

crickets that evolved to be silent on a Hawaiian
island where parasitic flies were using the call as a
targeting method. It's a great example of rapid
adaptation occurring under observation in the
Examples of Locally Adaptation of
Silent Crickets

During the 1990's the population of crickets was in

decline as a result of parasitism. At some point a
mutation arose where the crickets no longer
produced song, and this allele spread rapidly and
cricket numbers bounced back strongly.
Silent Crickets
Darwin’s Finches

a group of Galapagos Island finches, observed

by Charles Darwin, that provide striking
evidence of speciation.
What is niches

Is used to define an
organism's role in
an ecosystem.

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