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Art Function means practical

usefulness. Art has the general function of

1. Individual needs for personal expression,
2. Social needs for display, communication
and celebration,
3. Physical needs for utilitarian objects and
The Personal Function of Art
Vehicles for the expression and
communication of feelings and ideas.
Art educate the senses and sharpen
our perception of colors, forms,
textures, designs, sounds, rhythms and
harmonies in our environment.
• to share the artists’s point of view or experience
• to communicate thoughts
• for self-expression
• for personal therapy
• for self-gratification
• to give pleasure to the viewer
• to provide an aesthetic experience
• to entertain
• to have no meaning at all (art for art’s sake – see themes)
Social functions of art seeks or tends to
influence the collective behavior of a
people, It is created to be seen or used
primarily in public situations and It
expresses or describes social or collective
aspects of existence as opposed to
individual and personal kinds of
• To depict social conditions
• To document the world around us
• To promote social change
• For community purposes- public art (the
Art that has a physical function
usually relates to items that can be
used for a practical purpose because of
their physical structure, despite their
artistic appeal.

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