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Zahra Malik
Roll. No 04

• What ?
• Why ?
• How ?
• Prevent

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What is brainwashing?
• A technique use by some people to
control the beliefs and behaviors of
the others.

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Where brainwashing is used?
• Religions and mythology
• Political parties with irrational
• In unethical marketing

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Who is more vulnerable?
• Kids
o On general behaviors

• Teenagers & yong adults (17-22)

o On socio-political aspects

• Any other person with weak


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Result of brainwashing
• Reduce ability to think critically or
• The victim can easily be controlled
• Become a mental slave of the
• Cults in the society

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How to identify a brainwashed ?
• Faith based thinking & act
• Look for a “yes person”
• Fearlessly (often personally) attack
anyone against own ideology

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How to prevent?
• Prevent religion brain wash at tender
age (child abuse).
• Teach critical/rational thinking at
• Get out of feudal system and move
into free modern socio-economic

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Mind Control
Brainwashing Techniques:
How To Protect Yourself
Mind control brainwashing
techniques can be useful if used
ethically, but can
be dangerous in the wrong hands.
Mind Control Brainwashing Technique
# 1: Hypnosis Without Permission

A lot of people now turn to hypnosis to help

them remember childhood memories and even
past lives.
Sometimes, they look to hypnosis to help them
change something about themselves.
Mind Control Brainwashing Technique
# 2: Isolation From What Is Familiar

One of the more sinister brainwashing methods

is that of isolation. This is when you are forcibly
separated from
your family, friends and all things familiar.
Mind Control Brainwashing Technique
# 3: Scare Tactics That Play With Your

Scare tactics can be anything from threats to

cryptic mind games. This
mind control trick feeds on a person’s fear and
is no doubt one of the most dangerous of all.
Translated from the Latin-word ‗gerundive‘ – (things that must
be disseminated)
―Propaganda consists of the planned use of any form of public
or mass-produced communication designed to affect the minds
and emotions of a given group for a specific purpose, whether
military, economic, or political.‖
Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger
Psychological Warfare
PROPAGANDA: Types (…II) White – Grey
– Black

White propaganda is issued from an acknowledged

source... This type of propaganda is associated with
overt psychological operations.
Grey propaganda does not clearly identify any source.
Black propaganda purports(meaning) to
emanate(originate, comes) from a source other than
the true one. This type of propaganda is associated
with covert psychological operations.
PROPAGANDA: Mediums commonly used

Television (News, Talk-shows, commercials, songs, drama,

documentaries, etc)
Cinema (Films, Documentaries)
Radio Broadcast
Internet (Blogs, social networking websites, other websites)
- Choice of medium largely depends upon the nature of
objective (and also on the availability of resources)
PROPAGANDA: Techniques

Edward Filene helped establish the Institute of Propaganda

Analysis in 1937 to educate the American public about the nature
of propaganda and how to recognize propaganda techniques.
Filene and his colleagues identified the seven most common
"tricks of the trade" used by successful propagandists (Marlin
102-106: Propaganda Critic: Introduction). The techniques
identified by the Institute for Propaganda Analysis are further
refined by Aaron Delwich (A.D) on his website, Propaganda
where he "discusses various propaganda techniques, provides
contemporary examples of their use, and proposes strategies of
mental self-defense."
These techniques are called:
PROPAGANDA: Techniques

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