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Types of recreational activities:

-Water Aerobics
-Water Polo
Water Aerobics

Also known as aqua fitness, is the

performance of low-intensity,
aerobic exercise in average shallow
depth water as in swimming pool. It
is also type of resistance workout in
such way the muscles work against
the natural resistance of the water.
Water Polo

It is a competitive sports which is

played by two teams in the
water. The main objective of the
sports is to score a goal by
throwing a waterproof ball with
a single arm throw inside the
opponents goal.

A water sport in which the wave

rider rides on a long board, moving
on the deep face of the wave that
usually carries the surfer towards
the shore. The sport is suitable
primarily in oceans and seas with
active water.
Canoe - Kayak

In early ages boat is one of the

essential equipment early civil
used for navigations. It used t
explore the rivers, lakes, canals,
and other water bodies.

A swimming discipline on or
through the bodies of water
while equipped with diving
goggles, a typical u-shaped tube
used for breathing which is
called as “snorkel” and swim

Is an indirect test
evaluating the strength of
the upper body. The
results of the test
comprises the number of
bends made with
supination of the dominant
forearm, holding a hand
weight of 8 lbs. for men
and 5 lbs. for women
during a period of 30
seconds in seated position
on a chair

Is an indirect test
evaluating the strength
of the lower body. The
result of the test
comprises the number
of rises made from the
chair with arms across
the chest to a full
upright position, during
a period of 30 seconds

Is an indirect test evaluating

the flexibility of the upper
body. A measurement is made
using a 30 cm ruler to
determine the distance
between the middle finger of
the dominant hand placed on
the top of the back and the
middle finger of the non-
dominant hand laced on the
bottom of the back.

an indirect test
evaluating the lower
body flexibility. A
measurement is made
using a ruler, to
determine the distance
between the tip of the
fingertips and the toes

Is an indirect test evaluating

the motor agility and
dynamic balance in
conjunction with the
respondent`s balance. A
measurement is made of the
shortest possible time it
takes the respondent to rise
from a chair, walk around a
cone placed at a distance of 8
foot, return to his or her
chair, and take a sitting
6 minute walk test

is an indirect test evaluating

the level of exercise capacity.
The outcome of the test
comprises the distance
covered along a marked 30-
meter run path in 6 minutes
at a marching pace.
Strength training doesn`t
only help burns fat and
reduce weight but it also
helps maintain muscle
and bone mass, develop
muscle size and strength,
which are vital points in
improved performance
Endurance Exercise

refers to continuous and repetitive

effort exertion in a long period of time.
Improved cardiovascular, respiratory
and muscular endurance helps to
withstand the fatigue that aquatic
sports may tend to give
Flexibility Exercise

with a wide range of motion of

joints and muscles, possible injuries
can be prevented. Flexibility
enables the joints or series of joints
and muscle lengths move in
absolute range to induce bending
movement or motion.

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