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Best Social Media Marketing Company

Hire Social Media Marketing Expert

About us
IDIOSYS TECHNOLOGIES is a private limited company, based in UK and INDIA, providing the best
standard web design and development, App development, Graphic design, Animation video
creation, Digital Marketing and software consultancy services to UK, USA, CANADA, PANAMA and
all over the world.

Unique Idea, Quality & Support are the three best combinations provided by the expert team
members of Idiosys to create unique, integrated, great user friendly, eye catching & 99.99% bug
free software solutions.

Being a leading IT company, Idiosys provide world class website and mobile app development and
digital marketing service. We worked many organization from United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark,
Brazil, Germany and Australia from 2015. From 2018 we have our strong footprint in other countries
of the world like USA, UAE, Panama,Brazil, Sweden, Finland,Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

We are very glad to announce that in 2019 we have worked with 30+ Organization to promote their
organization in digital platform. We are offering customize digital marketing solution for every
organization according to their business model and target audience.
Why You Need Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is a process to make yourself or your organization
accessible to the people who are looking for same. By social media marketing you
can reach to your products and services target audience. In 2019 your target
audienece are online and they are searching and research about their needs on
online platform. So you have to be there to reach them, other wise you lost the
competetion on starting. Now brands social pages create more audience
engagement than any other advertisement campaign.

One of the reasons why social media is taking over traditional marketing channels
is the ability of Internet marketing tools to interact with targeted audiences in real
time. Engagement in any form is what your customers expect to receive when
interacting with your brand or business.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today !
Work With Best Team
Nowadays, it is very difficult to find best social mdeia marketing company. This is due to, Companies
who don't have enough expertise started offering digital marketing services in India as there is high
demand from business owner. For that some of business owner consult with less experienced person
and give them to increase his brand presence in online platform and after few months not get proper
result and loose everything.

Idiosys Technologies offers 100% effective social media marketing in Kolkata as well as Pan India to
give high ROI. We research and analysis your targeted audience in an organic and ethical way to take
your website from nowhere to first pages in Google, Yahoo, Bing and major search engines. Your trust
on us you can beat your business competitors and reach millions of online visitors.

Idiosys offers most cost-effective social media marketing service in Kolkata. More exposure to your
website on the social platform will increase chances of success in the time to come. So, what are you
waiting for? Get in touch with us today!
What make Idiosys Unique
❖ We take all projects very seriously; we do never compromise with the quality for any
reason; whatever we provide, we give free support for those for a long time.

❖ For our best services, we always gain 5 stars in all marketplaces and all clients get
to us for any future need. Our clients repeatedly hire us for our best service. Client's
repeat hire rate is over 70% which signifies the best level service provider in online

❖ We do ask for price only after work is checked and given full clearance from client

❖ We do provide 24/7 supports during the project and after complete the project.

❖ In project emergency, we provide technical support for 24 hours 7 days

Hire us as you Need

Dedicated Hiring: You could hire our experienced Social Media Marketing Specialist full time
basis. We have different slabs of hiring prices which depends on experience & skill set

Dedicated hiring starts from 400 USD/ Month basis; hired person will work from Monday to
Friday only for your projects & will be online full time in Skype/ any chat for direct

Fixed cost project: If you have ready requirements for your project, we will quote price &
timeline for your project. Once you do agree, we will show you update on regular basis about the
progress of work and get your job done perfectly.

For Projectwise hiring we are offering 3 different package according your requirements, we can
also offer customize package according business needs.

We are offering Digital Marketing package and Social Media Marketing Package separately, on
demand we can offer combine package for our client’s.
Thank You


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