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There is a broad taxonomy based on the

origin of ideas that transcends discipline. The

major categories are:
• Problem solution
• Evolutionary idea
• Symbiotic idea
• Revolutionary idea
• Serendipitous discovery
• Targeted innovation
• Artistic innovation
• Philosophical idea
• Computer-assisted discover
Problem Solution
A problem solution results from trying to solve a particular
problem and represents one of the most prevalent and
certainly one of the earliest forms of innovation. Problems
need to be solved and someone always, eventually, has
the ingenuity to solve them.

Evolutionary Idea
There ’s a way to do it better—find it.
Thomas A. Edison

The evolutionary idea simply takes something that

already exists and improves it
Symbiotic Idea
A symbiotic idea, which combines two or more existing
ideas, can lead to significant breakthroughs.

Revolutionary Idea
A revolutionary idea is one that breaks away from existing
thought and provides a completely new perspective.

Serendipitous Discovery
One sometimes finds what one is not looking for.
Sir Alexander Fleming (1881–1955), discoverer of
A serendipitous discovery is an unintended result in which
the inventor recognizes its value.
Targeted Innovation
A targeted innovation is one derived from intensive
research and development, often with the clear
expectation of economic gain.

One such innovation is the decoding of the rice genome.

Other targeted projects include more complex missions

such as the Kennedy promise to put a man on the moon

Artistic Innovation
An artistic innovation is created as an expression of an
artistic impulse.
Philosophical Idea
Some ideas can never be reduced to practice and live
only in the minds of their creators and those with whom
they share it.

Creativity: Practical Advice

To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
Thomas A. Edison

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