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Anggota Kelompok :

Pengertian Subjunctive
Harapan yang bertolak belakang dengan kenyataan
yang terjadi. Singkatnya subjunctive adalah
bentuk pengandaian.

Kata-kata yang digunakan subjunctive : wish, if only,

would rather, as if / as though.
Rumus Subjunctive
Subjunctive terbagi atas 3 waktu :
- terjadi pada masa sekarang (present),
- masa yang akan datang (future)
- dan masa lampau (past).
Present Tense
Subjunctive verb + S + Verb II

Contoh :

- I wish I knew what to do.

Faktanya : I don’t know what to do.

- If only I didn’t have homework, I can sleep.

Faktanya : I have homework.
Future Tense
Subjunctive verb + S + Would/Could +Verb I

Contoh :

- You bring my umbrella as if today would rain. Don’t you see sun
shines so bright?
Faktanya : Today will not rain.

- I wish I could come to your dream.

Faktanya : I will not come.

- If only I could follow the tour to Bali next month.

Faktanya : I will not follow.
Past Tense
Subjunctive verb + S + Had +Verb III

Contoh :
- I wish I had studied harder when I was at school/
Faktanya : I did not study hard

- If only I had known that Sean is your girl, I would not call her
Faktanya : I did not know
Pengecualian Rumus Subjunctive
Khusus subject I harus menggunakan were.

Contoh :
- If only I was a superman

- If only I were a superman

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