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Art is defined as use of imagination to express ideas or

feelings, particularly in paintings, drawing or sculpture.
It has a lot of domains of meanings like music, theatre,
art literature and a lot of meanings about groups inside.
Art for art's sake....!!
"The intrinsic value of art should be different from
didactic function".
Art should be enjoyed as an art and should never have
any other objective.
2. Historical Background
The idea of art for art's sake is originated from
French phrase "L'art pour l'art" it means that art
should avoid social, political and moral themes and
concentrate on creating beauty.
"Theophile Gautier (1811-1872) was the first who
raised the slogan "L'art pour l'art".
Latin Virgin of this phrase is "Ars gratia artis".
Factors responsible for the event of Philosophy
Literary movements like "Aestheticism" and "Art for art'ssake"

are result of 19th century century snerio. 19th century was

the age of science and poets and artists felt that there should
be given value to beauty.
These movements started from France and later on spread all

over the Europe .

1. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
a) The picture of dorian gray
b) the importance of being earnest
c) The Harlot's House
d) The Happy Prince
2. Walter Horatio Pater (1839-94)
a) The Renaissance
b) Marius the Epicurean
c) Leonardo da Vinnci
d) Pico della Mirandola
3. Matthew Arnald (1822-1888)
a) Dover Beach
b) Culture and Anarchy
c) The Scholar Gipsey
4. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
a) Critique of the pure reason
b) The Metaphysics of Morals
c) The Critique of Judgement
5. Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
a) The Raven
b) The Masque of the red Death
c) Tales of Terror
d) The Gold Bug
e) The tell-tale heart
f) The Black Cat
6.John Ruskin (1819-1900)
a) Tree Study
b) Tower of the Cathedral at Sens
c) The elements of Drawing
d) The seven Lamps of Architecture
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