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Blcak Toe

(kuku jari menghitam)

Ajeng kusuma wardhani

Problems ???

One of the most common causes of black nails is a fungal

infection. But bacterial infections can also cause nails to turn
black. Nail fungus infection occurs when the fungus attacks
the fingernails, toenails, or skin under the nail surface
The appropriate medicine for
the problems ??
nail fungus treatment can vary depending on how severe the
nail fungus infection is and the patient's overall health
condition. To treat nail fungus, doctors can prescribe
antifungal drugs in the form of:
Nail varnish medication
an example of a drug from a
nail coating
ciclopirox which is shaped

contains the active ingredient :

Ciclopirox which can be used for fungal
infections of the nails.

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