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Biosphere consists of the word bio, which means life and Sphere, which means layers. So, it can
be concluded that the Biosphere is a layer of life in which there are animals, humans, and plants.
According to Edward Suess,The Biosphere is a place that is on the surface of the earth where
life lives.
according to Geophysiology, the Biosphere is a global ecological system that unites all living
things and the relationships between them, including their interactions with the elements of the
lithosphere (rock); hydrosphere (water); and the atmosphere (air) of the earth. Earth is until
now the only known place known life support.
• The Biosphere is the highest level of life (organizational structure of life) on earth consisting of
•The ecosystem
Broadly speaking, the biosphere is divided into 3 parts of the biocycles environment (life cycle),
1. biocycles Mainland. This part of the terrestrial environment includes air that is in contact with
the ground (as high as 8 km).
2. Marine Biocyles (saltwater). Based on the horizontal direction (marine) marine biocycles is
divided into:> Neritic Zone ie coastal waters (up to the lower litoral = 200 m)> Oceanic Zone ie
open sea (starting at 200 m depth)
3. Freshwater biocycles. Freshwater biocycles includes rivers, lakes and,ponds.
Factors affecting the existence of flora
and fauna
The existence of living creatures on this earth is not evenly distributed in the sense that as long
as living conditions are fulfilled, it can multiply well or should be extinct by itself. Therefore, the
distribution (existence) of living things is very closely related to the potential carrying capacity of
an area.
The factors that cause differences in flora and fauna on the surface of the earth are:
1. Climate
Each species of animal and plant habitat is different so that the climate (weather element) on
the one hand supports the life of certain flora and fauna, but on the other hand, it prevents
certain flora and fauna from living and developing.
•Air Humidity
•2. The Physical condition of the earth
•The physical condition in question can be in the form of sea, desert, high mountains, etc., which
can be a barrier but can also be an intermediary for the migration of flora and fauna.
•3. Adaptation
•4. Natural Selection
•5. Food
•6. Fellowship of life
•7. Humans
C. Distribution of animals and plants
1.) Flora
The difference in the distribution of flora in the world is influenced by the physical and climatic
conditions of the region. The distribution of flora on earth is divided into several habitats namely
the terrestrial environment, the freshwater environment, and the seawater environment.
A. Tundra, vegetation that only consists of various types of mosses
B. Taiga, a forest with mostly coniferous leaves growing in summer
C. Forests contain medium climate, the forests that are in 4 seasons
D. Steppe, an area where grasses grow
E. Sabana, grassland interspersed with trees
F. Wet tropical forest, the forest that is on the equator
G. Seasonal forest, forest which is overgrown by drought-resistant trees
H. Mangrove forests, forests located on the coast and planted with mangrove trees
I. Hard wooded forest, forest covered with trees
J. Deserts (deserts), areas that have high temperatures and little rainfall
A. Litoral, shallow water area
B. Limnetic, open water area
C. Profundal, deepwater base area
A. Litoral zone, sea-level area ,and tides occur
B. Neritic Zone, shallow water area whose depth is 0m-200m
C. Bathyal Zone, an area of ​deep water with a depth of 200m-1800m
D. Abyssal Zone, deep water area with a depth of 1800m-6000m
E. Hadal Zone, very deepwater area (> 6000m)
The types of fauna in the world are very varied,
influenced by the climate and also the habitat of the
region. The more towards the poles and deserts the
less the number of fauna, but the more the tropics
will be more and more diverse. The following is the
1.) Newark, the distribution of fauna found in North America
2.) Ethiopian (Afrotropical), fauna distribution areas including Africa, Madagascar, and islands around
3.) Australia, the fauna distribution region covers the Australian continent, New Zealand, the island of
4.) Oriental, fauna distribution region covers the regions of South Asia and Southeast Asia
5.) Neotropic, fauna distribution areas include southern Mexico, Central America, and
South America
6.) Palearctic, fauna distribution region covers the European continent, Soviet Union, Japan, The
Mediterranean Sea, and North Africa
Distribution of Indonesian Flora and
In the distribution of flora and fauna in Indonesia, there are two lines divide Indonesia, namely
the Wallace Line and the Weber Line, both of which are imaginary or unreal lines that are only
displayed on the map. The line divides Indonesia into three parts.
Wallace Line, dividing the western region (Asiatic) and the middle region (transitional)
Weber Line, dividing the middle region (intermediate) with the eastern region (australis)
The distribution of flora in Indonesia
1. Flora of western Indonesia (asiatic)
With the main characteristics of tropical rain forests
2. Flora of the middle part of Indonesia (transition)
With the main characteristics of short plants and small leaves
3. Flora of eastern Indonesia (australis)
With the main characteristics of tall plants, hardwood, and smooth bark
Distribution of Fauna in Indonesia
1. Fauna of western Indonesia (asiatic)
Characterized by many large-bodied mammals, many monkeys, and melodic birds
2. Middle Indonesian Fauna (transition)
With the characteristics of many endemic animals and endangered animals
3. Fauna of eastern Indonesia (australis)
Characterized by many smallish mammals, marsupial animals, and beautifully feathered birds
Factors Affecting the Distribution of Flora
and Fauna in Indonesia
A. Abiotic Factors
Soil / edaphic factors
- The Texture of the soil
- soil structure
- Soil fertility
Climate / Climatic Factors
- Humidity
- temperature
- Wind
- Rainfall
B. Abiotic Factors

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