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Which of the following is most coherent?
a) Writing is not always easy. Writing can be hard sometimes.
Some people read a lot. Writing comes more easily to those
b) Writing is not always easy; in fact it can be hard. Some
people read a lot. Writing comes more easily to those people.
c) Writing is not always easy; in fact it can be hard. Writing
comes more easily to those who read a lot.
d) Writing is not always easy; in fact it can be hard, but it
comes more easily to those who read a lot.
The following paragraph presents events in time order. The
words before, one, then, finally and after indicate the sequence
of events in the paragraphs.
• Paragraphs that are arranged in spatial order presents details
in the order in which they are observed-top to bottom, near
to far or right to left, for example.

• Spatial order is central to paragraphs that tell what a person

,place animal or object looks like (and perhaps what it
sounds, smell,taste, and feels like)
The following paragraph presents events in spatial order.Notice how the phrases
infront of text , next to , behind, in between, on top of, inside, and in the centre of
directly help establish the order –far to near –in which readers will view the details of
the scene.
The following paragraphs presents ideas in sequential order. Here the phrases the first
rule, an even sillier rule and the most ridiculous rule establish the order in which the
rules are presented from least to most silly and help the readers move from one point
to another.

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